Author: Anonymous cupqpm

Expire: Never

#/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import calendar import csv import glob import hashlib import html import importlib import itertools import os import platform import queue import random import re import requests import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import textwrap import threading import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zipfile import urllib.request from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from datetime import datetime, timedelta from html.parser import HTMLParser from pathlib import Path from io import StringIO # List of User-Agent strings user_agents = [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0" ] # List of required third-party modules third_party_modules = [ 'chardet', 'pygame', 'bs4', # BeautifulSoup (part of bs4 package) 'tqdm', 'PySimpleGUI', 'colorama', ] def check_and_install_modules(): os_name = platform.system() if os_name == "Linux": # Install pip if not already installed try: subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "apt", "-qq", "-y", "install", "python3-pip"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to install pip. Ensure you have sudo privileges.") # Install python3-tk try: subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "apt", "-qq", "-y", "install", "python3-tk"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to install python3-tk. Ensure you have sudo privileges.") elif os_name == "Darwin": # macOS # Check if Tkinter is available try: import tkinter print("Tkinter is available.") except ImportError: print("Tkinter is not available. Please install it manually or ensure your Python installation includes Tkinter.") # Optionally, you could guide users to install Python with Tkinter: print("You might need to reinstall Python with Tkinter support. For example, using Homebrew:") print("brew install python --with-tcl-tk") # For Windows, we'll rely on pip for Python packages # Note: System packages like tkinter should be pre-installed or installed manually for module in third_party_modules: try: importlib.import_module(module) print(f"{module} is already installed.") except ImportError: print(f"{module} is not installed.") pip_command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', module] try: subprocess.check_call(pip_command) print(f"{module} installed successfully.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print(f"Failed to install {module}.") def import_modules(): # Your existing import logic here global chardet, concurrent, pygame, BeautifulSoup, Pool, tqdm, stop_flag, sg import chardet import concurrent.futures import pygame from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from multiprocessing import Pool from tqdm import tqdm import PySimpleGUI as sg stop_flag = threading.Event() from colorama import Fore, Style, init # Function to get a random User-Agent def get_random_user_agent(): return random.choice(user_agents) # Define global variables and directories failed_downloads = [] verbose = "-v" in sys.argv edgar_url = "" headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} backup_headers = {"User-Agent": "anonymost/[email protected]"} files_found_count = 0 done = False download_directory = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "sec_archives") download_directory2 = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "edgar") base_path = (download_directory2) os.makedirs(download_directory, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(download_directory2, exist_ok=True) # Create a list of all subdirectories from 1993 to 2024, including all four quarters years = range(1993, 2025) quarters = ["QTR1", "QTR2", "QTR3", "QTR4"] base_url = "" subdirectories = [ f"{base_url}/{year}/{quarter}/" for year in years for quarter in quarters if not (year == 2024 and quarter in ["QTR3", "QTR4"]) ] processes = [] # URLs of the files to download urls = [ "", "" ] # Define the desired filenames file_names = ["edgar_CIKs.csv", "edgar_CIK2.csv"] # Function to check free space def check_free_space(): total_size = sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(download_directory, f)) for f in os.listdir(download_directory) if f.endswith('.zip')) free_space = shutil.disk_usage(download_directory).free print(f"Total size needed: {total_size} bytes, Free space available: {free_space} bytes") return free_space > total_size def download_pre_files(): log_filename = os.path.join(download_directory, 'archives.log') downloaded_files = {} # Changed to dict for file_name to hash mapping if os.path.exists(log_filename): with open(log_filename, 'r') as log: for line in log: parts = line.strip().split(',') if len(parts) > 3: # Expecting timestamp, subdirectory, file_size, md5_hash downloaded_files[parts[2]] = parts[3] # file_name, md5_hash with open(log_filename, 'a') as log_file: for subdirectory in tqdm(subdirectories, desc="Downloading Archives"): # Extract the directory and subdirectory name from the URL path_parts = subdirectory.split('/') year = path_parts[-3] quarter = path_parts[-2] subdirectory_name = f"{year}_{quarter}" filename = os.path.join(download_directory, f"{subdirectory_name}.zip") if filename in downloaded_files: continue retries = 3 delay = 1 # Ensure the download directory exists os.makedirs(download_directory, exist_ok=True) for attempt in range(retries): try: headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} # Create a request object with headers req = urllib.request.Request(subdirectory, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) as response: content = file_size = len(content) md5_hash = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() # Write the content to file with open(filename, 'wb') as file: file.write(content) # Log the download with timestamp, file name, size, and hash timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(f"{timestamp},{subdirectory},{filename},{file_size},{md5_hash}\n") log_file.flush() # Ensure the write is immediate break # Exit the retry loop if successful except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}") if attempt < retries - 1: time.sleep(delay * (2 ** attempt)) else: print(f"Failed to download {subdirectory} after {retries} retries") failed_downloads.append(subdirectory) return failed_downloads def download_daily_index_files(): base_url = "" today = end_date = today - timedelta(days=1) daily_index_log = "./sec_archives/daily-index-log.txt" #downloaded_files = set() downloaded_files = {} # Read existing log to check for downloaded files if os.path.exists(daily_index_log) and os.path.getsize(daily_index_log) > 0: try: with open(daily_index_log, 'r') as log: for line in log: parts = line.strip().split(',') if len(parts) == 4: downloaded_files[parts[1]] = parts[3] else: print(f"Warning: Malformed log entry: {line.strip()}") except IOError as e: print(f"Error reading log file: {e}") else: print("Log file is empty or does not exist.") # Determine current quarter and year current_year = end_date.year current_quarter = (end_date.month - 1) // 3 + 1 # Set start date for the current quarter start_date = datetime(current_year, (current_quarter - 1) * 3 + 1, 1) # Define the directory path where the zip file will be stored zip_directory = "./sec_archives/" # Check if the directory exists, if not, create it if not os.path.exists(zip_directory): os.makedirs(zip_directory) zip_path = f"{zip_directory}{current_year}-QTR{current_quarter}.zip" master_idx_file = "2024-QTR3.idx" # Name for the master index file # List of dates to skip skip_dates = [datetime(2024, 7, 3), datetime(2024, 7, 4), datetime(2024, 9, 2)] with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zipf: master_idx_content = [] current_date = max(start_date, datetime(2024, 7, 1)) total_days = (end_date - current_date).days + 1 pbar = tqdm(total=total_days, desc="Downloading", unit="files") while current_date <= end_date: if current_date.weekday() >= 5 or current_date in skip_dates: current_date += timedelta(days=1) pbar.update(1) continue file_name = f"master.{current_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.idx" if file_name in downloaded_files: current_date += timedelta(days=1) pbar.update(1) continue url = f"{base_url}{current_date.year}/QTR{(current_date.month-1)//3+1}/{file_name}" max_attempts = 3 print(f"Attempting to download {url}") for attempt in range(max_attempts): try: headers = {'User-Agent': "[email protected]"} req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=3) as response: if response.getcode() == 200: content = file_size = len(content) file_hash = hashlib.sha256(content).hexdigest() print(f"Successfully downloaded {file_name}. Size: {file_size} bytes. Hash: {file_hash}") # Decode content here to avoid reading twice idx_content = content.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if not master_idx_content: print("Setting up master index header.") master_idx_content = idx_content[:11] master_idx_content.extend(idx_content[11:]) # Log the download with open(daily_index_log, 'a') as log: timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log.write(f"{timestamp},{file_name},{file_size},{file_hash}\n") print(f"Logged download of {file_name}") break else: print(f"Failed to download {file_name}. Status: {response.getcode()}") except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}") if attempt < max_attempts - 1: time.sleep(1) # Delay before retry else: print(f"Max attempts reached for {file_name}. Moving on.") current_date += timedelta(days=1) pbar.update(1) # Write the master index content to the zip file if master_idx_content: print("Writing master index to ZIP file...") zipf.writestr(master_idx_file, '\n'.join(master_idx_content)) print(f"Master index file {master_idx_file} written to {zip_path}") pbar.close() print(f"\nDaily index files up to {end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} have been processed and saved to {zip_path}.") # Function to clear the terminal screen def clear_screen(): os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') # Function to generate a random color def random_color(): return f"\033[38;5;{random.randint(0, 255)}m" # Function to reset color def reset_color(): return "\033[0m" # Function to display Pacman moving across the screen def display_power(): power_frames = [ """ bbbbbbbbb bbdb dbdb bd dbdbd bb bb bb bb db bbbbd bd bd bd bb dbbbb bbdbd bb bb bb bb bd bb dbdbb bbdb bd bd bd db bb bd bdbb bbdb bdb bb bb bb db dbb dbdb bdb bbdbb db db bd bd bbbdb bbd bbb bdb bb bdbdbbb bb bbb bbd bbd bdb bdbb dbdb dbb bbb bd bb bdbbbdbbb bd db bdb dbd bbb bdb bb bb db bb bd bd bd db bb bbb bdb bd dbb db bb bbb bd bbd dbd db bbb bbb bbb bbb dbd dbdbb bdbdb bdb bbb bdbbd bdbbb bdb bdbb bbbbbdbdbbdbbdb bdbb bdbb bdbb bdbbd bdbbb dbbbbd bbdbbb bdbbbbdbd """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdb dbd bb dbdbd bb bd bb bb bd bbbbd bb db db bb bbbbb bbdbd bb db bd bd db bd dbdbb bbdb db bb bb bb bb bb bdbb bbdb bbb db db db bd dbb bdbb bdb bbbdb bd bd bd bb bdbbd bdb bbb bdb bb bbbbb db dbb bbd bbd bdb dbd bbd bbb bbb bd bb bbbdbdbdb db db dbb bdb bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bdb bdb bd dbb bb bb bbb bd dbd bdb db bbb bbd bbd bbb dbd bbbbd bdbdb bdb bbb dbbbd bbdbb bdb dbbd bbbbdbbdbbbbdbd bbbb bbbd bbdb bbbdb bbbdb bbbdbb bbbbdb dbbdbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bd db bb dbd bd db bbb db bbbbb bb dbd bb bbbdb bbdbd db bd bbb bd db bbbdb bbdb bb bb bdb bb bb bbbb bbdb bdb db dbb db bdb dbdb bdb bbdbb bd bbd bd bdbdb bbb bbb bdb bb bdb bb bbd dbd bbd bdb db bd bbb bbb bd bb bdbbbbdbb db db dbb bdd bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bbd bdb bb dbb bb bb bdb bd dbb dbd bb bbb dbb bbb bdb dbd bdbbd bbdbd bbb bbb bbbbb bdbdb bdb bdbb dbdbbdbbdbbdbbb bbdb bdbb bbdb bdbbd bbbdb bbbdbb bdbbdb bbdbbbdbb """, """ bbbbb bd db bb bd db bb bbbbb bb db bbbbb bbdbdbdb bd bd dbdbdbbb bbdbbbbbdb bb bb bdbbbdbdbb bbdbbdbdbdbb db db bbdbbbdbbdbb bdbbdbbbbbdb bd bd bbdbdbbbbdbd bbbdbbbdbd bb bb bbbdbdbbbb bbdbdbbdbb db db dbbbbdbdbb bdbbbbbbd bdbbb bdbdbbbbd bdbdbdbdbb bbbbbdbdbb bbbbbbbbd dbdbbbbbd bdbdbdbdb bbbdbdbdb bbbdbbdbbd bdbdbbbbbb dbdbbdbbbb bbbbbdbdbd bbbbbbddbb dbdbdbbdbb bdbdbbbdbbb dbbbbdbbbbb bbdbdbbdbdbbb bdbbbdbdbbdbd bdbbbbbbbdbdbbb bdbbbbdbbbbdbbb bbdbdbdbbbbdbdbbdbbbdbbdbbbdbdbbdbdbbbd bbbdbbdbdbbbdbbdbdbbbbdbbbbbdbbbbdb dbbdbbbbdbbbdbbbbdbdbbdbdbbbdbb bbdbdbbdbbbdbbbbbdbbdbbdb bdbbdbdbd """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdbdbdbdb bbbdbbbdb dbdbbdbbd bbbbb bbbbdbbbb bbdbb bbdbdbdb bdbdbbdbd dbbbdbbb bbdbbbbbbd bbbbbdbbb bbdbbdbdbb bbdbbdbdbdbb dbdbdbbdb bbbdbbbbdbdb bdbbdbbbbbbd 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dbdbbdbbdbbdbbb bbdb bdbb bbdb bdbbd bbbdb bbbdbb bdbbdb bbdbbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdb dbd bb dbdbd bb bd bb bb bd bbbbd bb db db bb bbbbb bbdbd bb db bd bd db bd dbdbb bbdb db bb bb bb bb bb bdbb bbdb bbb db db db bd dbb bdbb bdb bbbdb bd bd bd bb bdbbd bdb bbb bdb bb bbbbb db dbb bbd bbd bdb dbd bbd bbb bbb bd bb bbbdbdbdb db db dbb bdb bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bdb bdb bd dbb bb bb bbb bd dbd bdb db bbb bbd bbd bbb dbd bbbbd bdbdb bdb bbb dbbbd bbdbb bdb dbbd bbbbdbbdbbbbdbd bbbb bbbd bbdb bbbdb bbbdb bbbdbb bbbbdb dbbdbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bbdb dbdb bd dbdbd bb bb bb bb db bbbbd bd bd bd bb dbbbb bbdbd bb bb bb bb bd bb dbdbb bbdb bd bd bd db bb bd bdbb bbdb bdb bb bb bb db dbb dbdb bdb bbdbb db db bd bd bbbdb bbd bbb bdb bb bdbdbbb bb bbb bbd bbd bdb bdbb dbdb dbb bbb bd bb bdbbbdbbb bd db bdb dbd bbb bdb bb bb db bb bd bd bd db bb bbb bdb bd dbb db bb bbb bd bbd dbd db bbb bbb bbb bbb dbd dbdbb bdbdb bdb bbb bdbbd bdbbb bdb bdbb bbbbbdbdbbdbbdb bdbb bdbb bdbb bdbbd bdbbb dbbbbd bbdbbb bdbbbbdbd """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdb dbd bb dbdbd bb bd bb bb bd bbbbd bb db db bb bbbbb bbdbd bb db bd bd db bd dbdbb bbdb db bb bb bb bb bb bdbb bbdb bbb db db db bd dbb bdbb bdb bbbdb bd bd bd bb bdbbd bdb bbb bdb bb bbbbb db dbb bbd bbd bdb dbd bbd bbb bbb bd bb bbbdbdbdb db db dbb bdb bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bdb bdb bd dbb bb bb bbb bd dbd bdb db bbb bbd bbd bbb dbd bbbbd bdbdb bdb bbb dbbbd bbdbb bdb dbbd bbbbdbbdbbbbdbd bbbb bbbd bbdb bbbdb bbbdb bbbdbb bbbbdb dbbdbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bd db bb dbd bd db bbb db bbbbb bb dbd bb bbbdb bbdbd db bd bbb bd db bbbdb bbdb bb bb bdb bb bb bbbb bbdb bdb db dbb db bdb dbdb bdb bbdbb bd bbd bd bdbdb bbb bbb bdb bb bdb bb bbd dbd bbd bdb db bd bbb bbb bd bb bdbbbbdbb db db dbb bdd bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bbd bdb bb dbb bb bb bdb bd dbb dbd bb bbb dbb bbb bdb dbd bdbbd bbdbd bbb bbb bbbbb bdbdb bdb bdbb dbdbbdbbdbbdbbb bbdb bdbb bbdb bdbbd bbbdb bbbdbb bdbbdb bbdbbbdbb """, """ bbbbb bd db bb bd db bb bbbbb bb db bbbbb bbdbdbdb bd bd dbdbdbbb bbdbbbbbdb bb bb bdbbbdbdbb bbdbbdbdbdbb db db bbdbbbdbbdbb bdbbdbbbbbdb bd bd bbdbdbbbbdbd bbbdbbbdbd bb bb bbbdbdbbbb bbdbdbbdbb db db dbbbbdbdbb bdbbbbbbd bdbbb bdbdbbbbd bdbdbdbdbb bbbbbdbdbb bbbbbbbbd dbdbbbbbd bdbdbdbdb bbbdbdbdb bbbdbbdbbd bdbdbbbbbb dbdbbdbbbb bbbbbdbdbd bbbbbbddbb dbdbdbbdbb bdbdbbbdbbb dbbbbdbbbbb bbdbdbbdbdbbb bdbbbdbdbbdbd bdbbbbbbbdbdbbb bdbbbbdbbbbdbbb bbdbdbdbbbbdbdbbdbbbdbbdbbbdbdbbdbdbbbd bbbdbbdbdbbbdbbdbdbbbbdbbbbbdbbbbdb dbbdbbbbdbbbdbbbbdbdbbdbdbbbdbb bbdbdbbdbbbdbbbbbdbbdbbdb bdbbdbdbd """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdbdbdbdb bbbdbbbdb dbdbbdbbd bbbbb bbbbdbbbb bbdbb bbdbdbdb bdbdbbdbd dbbbdbbb bbdbbbbbbd bbbbbdbbb bbdbbdbdbb bbdbbdbdbdbb dbdbdbbdb bbbdbbbbdbdb bdbbdbbbbbbd bbbbbbdbb dbbbdbdbbbbd bbbdbbdbdb bdbddbbbd bbbbbdbdbb bbdbbbbbbd bdbbbbdbb dbdbbbbdbb bdbdbdbdb bbbdbdbbd bbbdbdbbd bdbbbbbdbb dbdbbbbbbb bbbdbdbbb bbbdbdbdb bdbbbdbdb bdbbbbdbb bbdbbbdbbd bdbbdbdbbd dbbdbbbdbb bdbbbbbbdb bbbdbbbdbb bdbbdbdbdb dbbdbdbbdbd dbbbbdbbbbb bbbbbbdbbbbbd bbbbdbdbbbdbd dbdbbbbdbdbbbdb bbdbdbdbbbdbbbd bdbdbdbbbdbbbbdbbdbbdbbdbdbbdbbbbdbbdbd bbbbbdbbdbdbbdbbdbbbdbbbbdbbdbdbbdb dbdbbbbbbdbbdbbbdbbbdbbbbdbbbbd bdbdbdbbbbbdbbbdbbdbdbbbd dbdbbdbbd """, """ bbbbdbbbb bdbdbbdbdbd bdbbdbbbbbb bbbdb bdbdb bbbbd bdbbb bbbbd bbbbb bbdbdbdb bbdbd dbdbb bdbdbdbb bbdbbbbbbb dbbbb bbbdb bdbbbbdbbd bbdbbbdbdbdb bbdbd bdbbb bbdbdbbdbbbb bdbbdbdbbbbb dbbbb bbdbd bbbbdbbbdbdb bbbdbbbbbd bbdbdbdbbbb dbbdbbbbdb bbdbdbbdbd dbbbbbdbdbd bbdbdbbbdb bdbbbbbbb bdbdbbbbb bbbbdbbbd bdbbdbdbdb dbdbbddbbb bbbbbbbdb bbdbbbbdb bdbdbdbbb bdbbdbbbd bbdbbbdbdb bdbbbbdbdb dbbbdbbbbd bdbdbbbbbb bdbbdbdbbb dbbbbdbdbd bbdbbbdbdbb dbbbdbbbbbd bdbbdbbbdbdbb bdbbbdbbdbdbd bdbbbdbbbbdbdbb bdbbbdbbbdbbbbb bbdbbbdbbbbbdbdbbdbbdbbdbdbbdbbdbdbbddb bdbbbdbdbdbbbdbbbbbdbbbbbdbbbbbbbdb bdbbbdbbbdbbbdbdbbbdbdbbbdbdbdb dbbbdbbbdbbbbdbbbbbdbdbbb bdbdbdbdb """, """ bdbbbbbbb bbbbdbdbdbdbb bdbdbbbbdbbdb bbdbb bdbbd bbbbd bdbbd bbbdb bbdbb bbdbdbdb bbbbb dbdbb bdbbdbbb bbdbbbbbbb dbdbd bbbbd bbbdbbdbdb bbdbbdbdbdbd bbbbb bdbbb dbbbbdbbbbdb bdbbdbbbbdbb bdbdb bbdbd bdbdbbdbbbdb bbbdbbdbdb bbbbdbbdbdbbb bbbbdbdbbd bdbdbbbbbb dbdbdbbbbbdbb dbbbbdbbbb bbbbdbdbd bbbdbdbdb bdbdbbdbd bdbdbbbbdb bbbbbdbbbb bdbbdbdbb dbdbbbdbd bbbdbbbdb bbbdbbbbb dbbbbdbbbd bdbdbbdbdb bdbdbbbdbb bbbbdbbbbd bbbdbdbbdb bdbdbbbdbd dbbbbdbbbbd bdbbdbbdbbb bdbbbdbdbbbbb bbdbbdbbbdbbd bdbbbbbdbdbdbbd bbdbbbdbbbdbbbd bdbdbdbbbbbdbbbbbdbbbdbbbdbbdbdbbdbbbdb bbbbbdbdbbbdbdbbbdbbbdbbdbbbbbbbdbd dbdbbbdbbbbbdbdbbdbbdbbdbdbdbdb bdbbdbdbdbbbbdbbbbdbbbbbb bbdbdbbdb """, """ bbbbdbbbb bdbdbbdbdbd bdbbdbbbbbb bbbdb bdbdb bbbbd bdbbb bbbbd bbbbb bbdbdbdb bbdbd dbdbb bdbdbdbb bbdbbbbbbb dbbbb bbbdb bdbbbbdbbd bbdbbbdbdbdb bbdbd bdbbb bbdbdbbdbbbb bdbbdbdbbbbb dbbbb bbdbd bbbbdbbbdbdb bbbdbbbbbd bbdbdbdbbbb dbbdbbbbdb bbdbdbbdbd dbbbbbdbdbd bbdbdbbbdb bdbbbbbbb bdbdbbbbb bbbbdbbbd bdbbdbdbdb dbdbbddbbb bbbbbbbdb bbdbbbbdb bdbdbdbbb bdbbdbbbd bbdbbbdbdb bdbbbbdbdb dbbbdbbbbd bdbdbbbbbb bdbbdbdbbb dbbbbdbdbd bbdbbbdbdbb dbbbdbbbbbd bdbbdbbbdbdbb bdbbbdbbdbdbd bdbbbdbbbbdbdbb bdbbbdbbbdbbbbb bbdbbbdbbbbbdbdbbdbbdbbdbdbbdbbdbdbbddb bdbbbdbdbdbbbdbbbbbdbbbbbdbbbbbbbdb bdbbbdbbbdbbbdbdbbbdbdbbbdbdbdb dbbbdbbbdbbbbdbbbbbdbdbbb bdbdbdbdb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdbdbdbdb bbbdbbbdb dbdbbdbbd bbbbb bbbbdbbbb bbdbb bbdbdbdb bdbdbbdbd dbbbdbbb bbdbbbbbbd bbbbbdbbb bbdbbdbdbb bbdbbdbdbdbb dbdbdbbdb bbbdbbbbdbdb bdbbdbbbbbbd bbbbbbdbb dbbbdbdbbbbd bbbdbbdbdb bdbddbbbd bbbbbdbdbb bbdbbbbbbd bdbbbbdbb dbdbbbbdbb bdbdbdbdb bbbdbdbbd bbbdbdbbd bdbbbbbdbb dbdbbbbbbb bbbdbdbbb bbbdbdbdb bdbbbdbdb bdbbbbdbb bbdbbbdbbd bdbbdbdbbd dbbdbbbdbb bdbbbbbbdb bbbdbbbdbb bdbbdbdbdb dbbdbdbbdbd dbbbbdbbbbb bbbbbbdbbbbbd bbbbdbdbbbdbd dbdbbbbdbdbbbdb bbdbdbdbbbdbbbd bdbdbdbbbdbbbbdbbdbbdbbdbdbbdbbbbdbbdbd bbbbbdbbdbdbbdbbdbbbdbbbbdbbdbdbbdb dbdbbbbbbdbbdbbbdbbbdbbbbdbbbbd bdbdbdbbbbbdbbbdbbdbdbbbd dbdbbdbbd """, """ bbbbb bdbdb bbdbb dbbbd bbbbb bbdbb bbbdb bbdbd db bdbbd db bbbbb bbdb bd bbbdb bb dbdb bbdb bbb dbbbb bdb bbbd bdb bbbdb bdbdb bdbdb dbb bbd bdb bbbbd bdb bbb bdb bdb bdbdb bdb dbb bb bb bbdbb bb bd bdb bdb bdb bbb bd bb bd db bb db bb bd db bbd bdb bb bbd bb bb bdb bb dbd bdb bb dbb bbd dbb bdb bdb bbbbb bdbbd dbb bdb dbdbb bdbbb bbd bbdb bdbdbbdbbdbbdbb bddb bbbd bdbb dbbdb dbbdb bbdbbb bdbbbd bbdbbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bd db bb dbd bd db bbb db bbbbb bb dbd bb bbbdb bbdbd db bd bbb bd db bbbdb bbdb bb bb bdb bb bb bbbb bbdb bdb db dbb db bdb dbdb bdb bbdbb bd bbd bd bdbdb bbb bbb bdb bb bdb bb bbd dbd bbd bdb db bd bbb bbb bd bb bdbbbbdbb db db dbb bdd bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bbd bdb bb dbb bb bb bdb bd dbb dbd bb bbb dbb bbb bdb dbd bdbbd bbdbd bbb bbb bbbbb bdbdb bdb bdbb dbdbbdbbdbbdbbb bbdb bdbb bbdb bdbbd bbbdb bbbdbb bdbbdb bbdbbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bdb dbd bb dbdbd bb bd bb bb bd bbbbd bb db db bb bbbbb bbdbd bb db bd bd db bd dbdbb bbdb db bb bb bb bb bb bdbb bbdb bbb db db db bd dbb bdbb bdb bbbdb bd bd bd bb bdbbd bdb bbb bdb bb bbbbb db dbb bbd bbd bdb dbd bbd bbb bbb bd bb bbbdbdbdb db db dbb bdb bdb bbd bb bb bb bb bd db bd db bb bdb bdb bd dbb bb bb bbb bd dbd bdb db bbb bbd bbd bbb dbd bbbbd bdbdb bdb bbb dbbbd bbdbb bdb dbbd bbbbdbbdbbbbdbd bbbb bbbd bbdb bbbdb bbbdb bbbdbb bbbbdb dbbdbbdbb """, """ bbbbbbbbb bbdb dbdb bd dbdbd bb bb bb bb db bbbbd bd bd bd bb dbbbb bbdbd bb bb bb bb bd bb dbdbb bbdb bd bd bd db bb bd bdbb bbdb bdb bb bb bb db dbb dbdb bdb bbdbb db db bd bd bbbdb bbd bbb bdb bb bdbdbbb bb bbb bbd bbd bdb bdbb dbdb dbb bbb bd bb bdbbbdbbb bd db bdb dbd bbb bdb bb bb db bb bd bd bd db bb bbb bdb bd dbb db bb bbb bd bbd dbd db bbb bbb bbb bbb dbd dbdbb bdbdb bdb bbb bdbbd bdbbb bdb bdbb bbbbbdbdbbdbbdb bdbb bdbb bdbb bdbbd bdbbb dbbbbd bbdbbb bdbbbbdbd """, ] for frame in power_frames: clear_screen() print(random_color() + frame + reset_color()) time.sleep(0.03) clear_screen() display_ascii_art() # Function to display ASCII art after clearing the screen with random colors def display_ascii_art(): ascii_art = """ bdbbbbbbb bbbbdbdbdbdbb bdbdbbbbdbbdb bbdbb bdbbd bbbbd bdbbd bbbdb bbdbb bbdbdbdb bbbbb dbdbb bdbbdbbb bbdbbbbbbb dbdbd bbbbd bbbdbbdbdb bbdbbdbdbdbd bbbbb bdbbb dbbbbdbbbbdb bdbbdbbbbdbb bdbdb bbdbd bdbdbbdbbbdb bbbdbbdbdb bbbbdbbdbdbbb bbbbdbdbbd bdbdbbbbbb dbdbdbbbbbdbb dbbbbdbbbb bbbbdbdbd bbbdbdbdb bdbdbbdbd bdbdbbbbdb bbbbbdbbbb bdbbdbdbb dbdbbbdbd bbbdbbbdb bbbdbbbbb dbbbbdbbbd bdbdbbdbdb bdbdbbbdbb bbbbdbbbbd bbbdbdbbdb bdbdbbbdbd dbbbbdbbbbd bdbbdbbdbbb bdbbbdbdbbbbb bbdbbdbbbdbbd bdbbbbbdbdbdbbd bbdbbbdbbbdbbbd bdbdbdbbbbbdbbbbbdbbbdbbbdbbdbdbbdbbbdb bbbbbdbdbbbdbdbbbdbbbdbbdbbbbbbbdbd dbdbbbdbbbbbdbdbbdbbdbbdbdbdbdb bdbbdbdbdbbbbdbbbbdbbbbbb bbdbdbbdb """ colored_art = ''.join(random_color() + char + reset_color() for char in ascii_art) print(colored_art) # Function for something to look at def custom_animation(): """Display the custom animation with marquee effect on the same line.""" marquee_text = "Following the rabbit... " marquee_length = 30 marquee_position = 0 animation_on = True while animation_on: # Create the display text for the marquee display_text = marquee_text[marquee_position:marquee_position + marquee_length].ljust(marquee_length) # Move cursor back to the start of the line and print the display text sys.stdout.write('\r' + display_text) sys.stdout.flush() # Update the position for the next frame marquee_position = (marquee_position + 1) % len(marquee_text) # Sleep to create the animation effect time.sleep(0.1) # Stop the animation if done is True if done: animation_on = False # Clear the line after animation ends sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * marquee_length + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() # Correctly formatted frames list frames = [ " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)= \n"+ " ( ( / `\"`} \n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| a a|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| a a| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " ,-.\n"+ " /\\\\_\\ \n"+ " _ / \\ \n"+ " / ) __| a a|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " ,-.\n"+ " /\\\\_\\ \n"+ " _ / \\ \n"+ " / ) __| a a|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " _ /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( \\ / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " (__,,)) \\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " _ /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " ( \\ / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " (__,,)) \\_)_)", " ,-.\n"+ " ,-.\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " _ / `\"`}\n"+ " ( \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( ( \n"+ " (____) \\_)_)", " ,-.\n"+ " ,-.\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " _ / `\"`}\n"+ " ( \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " (____) \\_)_)", " ,-.\n"+ " ,-.\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " ( \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /__\\ ( ( \n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " ( \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-. \n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( ( \n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-. \n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-. \n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-. \n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\ \\ \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " { \\ ), //\n"+ " '-', /__\\ ( (\n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-. \n"+ " \\ \\,-. \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'. = y)=\n"+ " / `\"`}\n"+ " _| \\ }\n"+ " ( \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /__\\ ( ( \n"+ " (______)\\_)_)", " ,-. \n"+ " \\ \\,-. \n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " _ / `\"`}\n"+ " ( \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " (____) \\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " _ /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( \\ / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " (__,,)) \\_)_)", " ,-.,-.\n"+ " \\ \\\\_\\ \n"+ " / \\ \n"+ " __| a a|\n"+ " _ /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( \\ / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " (__,,)) \\_)_)", " ,-. \n"+ " \\ \\/\\ \n"+ " _ / ``\\ \n"+ " / ) __| a a|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " ,-. \n"+ " \\ \\/\\ \n"+ " _ / ``\\ \n"+ " / ) __| a a|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| a a|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| a a| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)= \n"+ " ( ( / `\"`} \n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)= \n"+ " ( ( / `\"`} \n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)= \n"+ " ( ( / `\"`} \n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)= \n"+ " ( ( / `\"`} \n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n| \n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)= \n"+ " ( ( / `\"`} \n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)", " _ /\\_/\\ \n"+ " ( \\ / ``\\ \n"+ " ) ) __| n n|\n"+ " / / /` `'.= Y)=\n"+ " ( ( / `\"`}\n"+ " \\ \\| \\ }\n"+ " \\ \\ ), //\n"+ " '._, /'-\\ ( (\n"+ " \\,,)) \\,),)"] # Function for t43 l33t def intro(): class FilteredStream(StringIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._original = sys.stderr def write(self, message): # Filter out specific ALSA error messages if not message.startswith("ALSA lib pcm.c"): self._original.write(message) def flush(self): # Required for file-like objects self._original.flush() # ANSI escape codes for colors COLORS = [ '\033[31m', # Red '\033[33m', # Yellow '\033[32m', # Green '\033[36m', # Cyan '\033[34m', # Blue '\033[35m', # Magenta ] GREEN = '\033[32m' # Green color RESET = '\033[0m' # Reset to default color def clear_screen(): """Clear the terminal screen.""" os.system('clear' if != 'nt' else 'cls') def colorize_text(text, color): """Colorize the text with a specific color.""" return color + text + RESET def animate_colors(text, colors, duration=1): """Animate text colors in a sequence for a specified duration.""" start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < duration: for color in colors: clear_screen() print(colorize_text(text, color)) time.sleep(0.05) # Ensure the final color is shown clear_screen() print(colorize_text(text, colors[-1])) def fade_out_borders(ascii_art, border_art, duration=3, frame_rate=0.033): """Fade out the specified border areas of the ASCII art over a specified duration.""" num_frames = int(duration / frame_rate) ascii_lines = ascii_art.split('\n') border_lines = border_art.split('\n') border_height = len(border_lines) num_rows = len(ascii_lines) max_line_length = max(len(line) for line in ascii_lines) border_top_rows = 3 border_bottom_rows = 3 border_left_chars = 7 border_right_chars = 7 for frame in range(num_frames): clear_screen() faded_art = [] fade_amount = int(frame * (border_top_rows + border_bottom_rows) / num_frames) for i, line in enumerate(ascii_lines): if i < border_top_rows or i >= num_rows - border_bottom_rows: if i < fade_amount: faded_art.append(' ' * len(line)) else: faded_art.append(line) else: if len(line) > border_left_chars + border_right_chars: left_part = line[:border_left_chars] right_part = line[-border_right_chars:] middle_part = line[border_left_chars:-border_right_chars] if frame < (num_frames / 2): fade_progress = int(frame * (border_left_chars + border_right_chars) / (num_frames / 2)) if fade_progress <= border_left_chars: left_part = ' ' * fade_progress + left_part[fade_progress:] else: left_part = ' ' * border_left_chars if fade_progress <= border_right_chars: right_part = right_part[:-fade_progress] + ' ' * fade_progress else: right_part = ' ' * border_right_chars faded_art.append(left_part + middle_part + right_part) else: faded_art.append(left_part + middle_part + right_part) else: faded_art.append(line) print(colorize_text('\n'.join(faded_art), COLORS[-1])) time.sleep(frame_rate) from colorama import Fore, Style, init init(autoreset=True) # Initialize colorama for colored terminal output def clear_screen(): """Clear the terminal screen.""" print("\033[H\033[J", end="", flush=True) def colorize_text(text, color): """Colorize the given text with the provided color.""" return color + text + Style.RESET_ALL def display_rainbow_gradient(ascii_art, colors, duration=1, frame_rate=0.033): """Display the ASCII art with a rainbow gradient transition from top to bottom over 30 frames.""" total_frames = 30 frame_duration = duration / total_frames ascii_lines = ascii_art.split('\n') num_rows = len(ascii_lines) for frame in range(total_frames): clear_screen() gradient_art = [] for i, line in enumerate(ascii_lines): # Calculate the color index based on both the row number and frame number color_index = int(((i / num_rows) + (frame / total_frames)) * len(colors)) % len(colors) line_color = colors[color_index] gradient_art.append(colorize_text(line, line_color)) print('\n'.join(gradient_art)) time.sleep(frame_duration) ascii_art = """ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ ( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o ) > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < /\_/\ :::::::: ::: :::: :::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::: ::: /\_/\ ( o.o ):+: :+: :+: :+: +:+:+: :+:+:+ :+: :+: :+: :+:+: :+: ( o.o ) > ^ < +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ > ^ < /\_/\ :#: +#++:++#++: +#+ +:+ +#+ +#++:++# +#+ +:+ +#+ +:+ +#+ /\_/\ ( o.o )+#+ +#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# ( o.o ) > ^ < #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# > ^ < /\_/\ ######## ### ### ### ### ########## ######## ### #### /\_/\ ( o.o ) ::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: ::: ( o.o ) > ^ < :+: :+: :+:+: :+: :+: :+: :+:+: :+: > ^ < /\_/\ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ /\_/\ ( o.o ) +#++:++#++: +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +:+ +#+ ( o.o ) > ^ < +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# > ^ < /\_/\ #+# #+# #+# #+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# /\_/\ ( o.o ) ### ### ### #### ######## ### #### ( o.o ) > ^ < > ^ < /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ ( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o )( o.o ) > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < > ^ < """ border_art = """\ :::::::: ::: :::: :::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::: ::: :+: :+: :+: :+: +:+:+: :+:+:+ :+: :+: :+: :+:+: :+: +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ :#: +#++:++#++: +#+ +:+ +#+ +#++:++# +#+ +:+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# ######## ### ### ### ### ########## ######## ### #### ::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: ::: :+: :+: :+:+: :+: :+: :+: :+:+: :+: +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +#++:++#++: +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# ### ### ### #### ######## ### #### \ """ # Phase 1: Initial animation animate_colors(ascii_art, COLORS) time.sleep(.1) # Short pause before transitioning to fade effect # Phase 2: Rainbow gradient clear_screen() colors = [Fore.RED, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.GREEN, Fore.CYAN, Fore.BLUE, Fore.MAGENTA] display_rainbow_gradient(ascii_art, colors) # Phase 3: Fade out specified borders fade_out_borders(ascii_art, border_art, duration=.5, frame_rate=0.033) # Phase 4: Transition to green with standing border #clear_screen() #print(colorize_text(border_art, GREEN)) #time.sleep(1) # Pause to show green transition # Phase 5: Rainbow gradient clear_screen() display_rainbow_gradient(border_art, COLORS, duration=.5, frame_rate=0.033) clear_screen() print(colorize_text(border_art, GREEN)) time.sleep(.3) # Pause to show green transition # Function to handle errors def handle_error(e): print(f"Error: {e}") sys.exit(1) def game_1(): # Game Settings WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 600 FPS = 60 WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) # Initial speeds CLOUD_INITIAL_SPEED = 10 # Adjusted to 1/10th of original speed OBSTACLE_INITIAL_SPEED = 500 #1x speed POWERUP_INITIAL_SPEED = 250 # Halved speed # Accelerations CLOUD_ACCELERATION = 5 OBSTACLE_ACCELERATION = 10 POWERUP_ACCELERATION = 5 # Flash and horizon settings FLASH_DURATION = 5000 # in milliseconds HORIZON_SPEED = 50 # Load background images background_images = [pygame.image.load(f'images/background{i}.png') for i in range(5)] overlay_image = pygame.image.load('images/overlay.png') # Load overlay image # Load PNG sequences for animations def load_images(folder, filenames): return [pygame.image.load(os.path.join(folder, filename)) for filename in filenames] # Load PNG sequences and enlarge by 2x def load_and_resize_images(folder, filenames, scale=1): images = [] for filename in filenames: img = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(folder, filename)) img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (img.get_width() * scale, img.get_height() * scale)) images.append(img) return images # Load PNG sequences idle_images = load_images('images', ['idle_0.png', 'idle_1.png']) walk_images = load_images('images', ['walk_0.png', 'walk_1.png', 'walk_2.png', 'walk_3.png']) fall_images = load_images('images', ['fall_0.png', 'fall_1.png', 'fall_2.png', 'fall_3.png', 'fall_4.png', 'fall_5.png', 'fall_6.png', 'fall_7.png']) die_images = load_images('images', ['die_0.png', 'die_1.png']) roll_images = load_images('images', ['roll_0.png', 'roll_1.png', 'roll_2.png', 'roll_3.png', 'roll_4.png', 'roll_5.png', 'roll_6.png', 'roll_7.png', 'roll_8.png', 'roll_9.png']) # Load specific images for clouds, obstacles, and power-ups cloud_images = load_images('images', ['cloud_0.png', 'cloud_1.png']) obstacle_images = load_images('images', ['obstacle_0.png', 'obstacle_1.png', 'obstacle_2.png', 'obstacle_3.png', 'obstacle_4.png']) power_up_images = load_images('images', ['powerup_0.png', 'powerup_1.png', 'powerup_2.png', 'powerup_3.png', 'powerup_4.png', 'powerup_5.png', 'powerup_6.png', 'powerup_7.png', 'powerup_8.png', 'powerup_9.png', 'powerup_10.png']) # Define ParallaxBackground, Score, Cloud, Obstacle, PowerUp, and Runner classes class ParallaxBackground: def __init__(self, canvas, background_images, overlay_image, cloud_images, background_speed, overlay_speed, cloud_speed): self.canvas = canvas self.background_images = background_images self.overlay_image = overlay_image self.cloud_images = cloud_images self.background_speed = background_speed self.overlay_speed = overlay_speed self.cloud_speed = cloud_speed self.background_x = 0 self.overlay_x = 0 self.cloud_x = 0 self.clouds = self._generate_clouds() def _generate_clouds(self): clouds = [] for _ in range(5): # Example: 5 clouds x = random.randint(0, WIDTH) y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT // 2) # Clouds are usually in the upper part of the screen cloud_image = random.choice(self.cloud_images) clouds.append({'rect': pygame.Rect(x, y, cloud_image.get_width(), cloud_image.get_height()), 'image': cloud_image}) return clouds def update(self, delta_time): self.background_x -= self.background_speed * delta_time if self.background_x <= -WIDTH: self.background_x = 0 self.overlay_x -= self.overlay_speed * delta_time if self.overlay_x <= -WIDTH: self.overlay_x = 0 self.cloud_x -= self.cloud_speed * delta_time if self.cloud_x <= -self.cloud_images[0].get_width(): self.cloud_x = 0 self.clouds = self._generate_clouds() def draw(self): # Draw the background self.canvas.blit(self.background_images[0], (self.background_x, 0)) self.canvas.blit(self.background_images[0], (self.background_x + WIDTH, 0)) # Draw the clouds for cloud in self.clouds: self.canvas.blit(cloud['image'], cloud['rect'].topleft) # Draw the overlay self.canvas.blit(self.overlay_image, (self.overlay_x, 0)) self.canvas.blit(self.overlay_image, (self.overlay_x + WIDTH, 0)) class Score: def __init__(self): self.score = 69420 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 36) self.start_time = time.time() # Initialize start time def increment(self, amount): self.score += amount def update(self): # Calculate elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time # Increment score based on elapsed time (e.g., +1 point per second) self.score = int(elapsed_time) def draw(self, canvas): score_surface = self.font.render(f"Score: {self.score}", True, WHITE) canvas.blit(score_surface, (10, 10)) # Draw score in the top-left corner class Cloud: def __init__(self, canvas, sprite_pos, width): self.canvas = canvas self.sprite_pos = sprite_pos self.x_pos = width self.y_pos = random.randint(50, HEIGHT - 50) # Updated min Y position self.width = 200 # Assumed width self.height = 200 # Assumed height self.remove = False self.speed = CLOUD_INITIAL_SPEED self.acceleration = CLOUD_ACCELERATION self.frame_index = 0 self.frame_counter = 0 self.frame_delay = 200 # milliseconds, default delay for cloud frames self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = 0 def update(self, delta_time): self.speed += self.acceleration * delta_time self.x_pos -= self.speed if self.x_pos + self.width < 0: self.remove = True # Update animation frame self.frame_counter += pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000 if self.frame_counter > self.frame_delay: self.frame_index = (self.frame_index + 1) % len(cloud_images) self.frame_counter = 0 def draw(self): frame = cloud_images[self.frame_index] self.canvas.blit(frame, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos)) def get_rect(self): return pygame.Rect(self.x_pos + self.offset_x, self.y_pos + self.offset_y, self.width, self.height) class Obstacle: def __init__(self, canvas, obstacle_type, sprite_pos, dimensions, current_speed, width): self.canvas = canvas self.obstacle_type = obstacle_type self.sprite_pos = sprite_pos self.x_pos = dimensions['WIDTH'] self.y_pos = random.randint(HEIGHT // 2 - 64, HEIGHT - 32) # Adjusted minimum Y position self.width = width # Width of the obstacle self.height = 32 # Height of the obstacle self.hitbox_size = 48 # Fixed size for the hitbox self.remove = False self.speed = current_speed self.acceleration = OBSTACLE_ACCELERATION self.frame_index = 0 self.frame_counter = 0 self.frame_delay = 200 # milliseconds, default delay for obstacle frames self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = 0 def update(self, delta_time): self.speed += self.acceleration * delta_time self.x_pos -= self.speed * delta_time if self.x_pos + self.width < 0: self.remove = True # Update animation frame self.frame_counter += pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000 if self.frame_counter > self.frame_delay: self.frame_index = (self.frame_index + 1) % len(obstacle_images) self.frame_counter = 0 def draw(self): frame = obstacle_images[self.frame_index] self.canvas.blit(frame, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos)) def get_rect(self): # Center the 48x48 hitbox on the sprite center_x = self.x_pos + self.width // 2 center_y = self.y_pos + self.height // 2 hitbox_x = center_x - self.hitbox_size // 2 hitbox_y = center_y - self.hitbox_size // 2 return pygame.Rect(hitbox_x + self.offset_x, hitbox_y + self.offset_y, self.hitbox_size, self.hitbox_size) class PowerUp: def __init__(self, canvas_ctx, sprite_pos, dimensions): self.canvas_ctx = canvas_ctx self.sprite_pos = sprite_pos self.x_pos = dimensions['WIDTH'] self.y_pos = random.randint(runner_y_pos, runner_y_pos + 50) # Updated min Y position self.width = 20 self.height = 20 self.hitbox_size = 48 # Fixed size for the hitbox self.remove = False self.speed = POWERUP_INITIAL_SPEED self.acceleration = POWERUP_ACCELERATION self.frame_index = 0 self.frame_counter = 0 self.frame_delay = 200 # milliseconds, default delay for power-up frames self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = 0 def update(self, delta_time): self.speed += self.acceleration * delta_time self.x_pos -= self.speed * delta_time if self.x_pos + self.width < 0: self.remove = True # Update animation frame self.frame_counter += pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000 if self.frame_counter > self.frame_delay: self.frame_index = (self.frame_index + 1) % len(power_up_images) self.frame_counter = 0 def draw(self): frame = power_up_images[self.frame_index] self.canvas_ctx.blit(frame, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos)) def get_rect(self): # Center the 48x48 hitbox on the sprite center_x = self.x_pos + self.width // 2 center_y = self.y_pos + self.height // 2 hitbox_x = center_x - self.hitbox_size // 2 hitbox_y = center_y - self.hitbox_size // 2 return pygame.Rect(hitbox_x + self.offset_x, hitbox_y + self.offset_y, self.hitbox_size, self.hitbox_size) class Runner: def __init__(self, canvas): self.canvas = canvas self.x_pos = WIDTH // 4 self.y_pos = HEIGHT - 64 # Adjust as needed self.width = 20 self.height = 20 self.hitbox_size = 48 # Fixed size for the hitbox self.current_animation = 'idle' self.frame_index = 0 self.frame_counter = 0 self.frame_delay = 100 # milliseconds, default delay for frame updates self.speed = 200 self.sprites = { 'idle': idle_images, 'walk': walk_images, 'fall': fall_images, 'die': die_images, 'roll': roll_images } self.is_jumping = False self.jump_height = 15 self.gravity = 1 self.velocity = 0 self.jump_count = 0 self.max_jumps = 2 self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = 0 # Animation timings self.idle_frame_times = [1000, 100] # Time in milliseconds for each frame self.current_frame_time_index = 0 self.current_frame_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() def update(self, keys, delta_time): current_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.x_pos -= self.speed * delta_time self.current_animation = 'walk' if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.x_pos += self.speed * delta_time self.current_animation = 'walk' if not keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and not keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.current_animation = 'idle' if current_time - self.current_frame_time >= self.idle_frame_times[self.current_frame_time_index]: # Switch to the next frame self.frame_index = (self.frame_index + 1) % len(idle_images) self.current_frame_time = current_time self.current_frame_time_index = (self.current_frame_time_index + 1) % len(self.idle_frame_times) if (keys[pygame.K_SPACE] or keys[pygame.K_UP]) and self.jump_count < self.max_jumps: self.current_animation = 'fall' if not self.is_jumping: self.velocity = -self.jump_height self.is_jumping = True self.jump_count += 1 else: self.current_animation = 'roll' if self.is_jumping: self.velocity += self.gravity self.y_pos += self.velocity if self.y_pos >= HEIGHT - 128: self.y_pos = HEIGHT - 128 self.is_jumping = False self.velocity = 0 self.jump_count = 0 # Reset jump count when on the ground # Update animation frame if self.current_animation in self.sprites: frames = self.sprites[self.current_animation] if self.current_animation == 'idle': # The idle animation is handled with custom timing pass else: # Handle other animations (walk, fall, die, roll) normally self.frame_counter += pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000 if self.frame_counter > self.frame_delay: self.frame_index = (self.frame_index + 1) % len(frames) self.frame_counter = 0 def draw(self): if self.current_animation not in self.sprites: raise ValueError(f"Invalid animation state: {self.current_animation}") frames = self.sprites[self.current_animation] if not frames: raise ValueError(f"No frames available for animation: {self.current_animation}") if self.frame_index >= len(frames): self.frame_index = len(frames) - 1 # Fix frame index to be within range frame = frames[self.frame_index] self.canvas.blit(frame, (self.x_pos + self.offset_x, self.y_pos + self.offset_y)) def get_rect(self): # Center the 48x48 hitbox on the sprite center_x = self.x_pos + self.width // 2 center_y = self.y_pos + self.height // 2 hitbox_x = center_x - self.hitbox_size // 2 hitbox_y = center_y - self.hitbox_size // 2 return pygame.Rect(hitbox_x + self.offset_x, hitbox_y + self.offset_y, self.hitbox_size, self.hitbox_size) class DistanceMeter: def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.distance = 0 def update(self, delta_time, speed): self.distance += speed * delta_time if self.distance >= self.settings['ACHIEVEMENT_DISTANCE']: self.flash() def flash(self): # Implement the flash effect here pass def draw(self, canvas): # Implement drawing the distance meter pass class HorizonLine: def __init__(self, canvas, sprite_pos): self.canvas = canvas self.sprite_pos = sprite_pos self.x_pos = 0 self.y_pos = HEIGHT - 64 self.width = WIDTH self.height = 10 def update(self, delta_time, speed): self.x_pos -= speed * delta_time if self.x_pos + self.width < 0: self.x_pos = 0 def draw(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.canvas, WHITE, pygame.Rect(self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.width, self.height)) class NightMode: def __init__(self, canvas, sprite_pos, width): self.canvas = canvas self.sprite_pos = sprite_pos self.x_pos = 0 self.y_pos = 0 self.width = width self.height = HEIGHT self.alpha = 0 def update(self, delta_time): # Gradually increase darkness self.alpha = min(self.alpha + 1, 255) overlay = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height), pygame.SRCALPHA) overlay.fill((0, 0, 0, self.alpha)) self.canvas.blit(overlay, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos)) def draw(self): pass def main(): pygame.init() canvas = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('The Game') clock = pygame.time.Clock() runner = Runner(canvas) parallax_background = ParallaxBackground( canvas, background_images, overlay_image, cloud_images, background_speed=100, overlay_speed=50, cloud_speed=30 ) clouds = [] # Example list of clouds obstacles = [] # Example list of obstacles power_ups = [] # Example list of power-ups distance_meter = DistanceMeter({'ACHIEVEMENT_DISTANCE': 1000, 'FLASH_DURATION': FLASH_DURATION}) horizon_line = HorizonLine(canvas, {'x': 0, 'y': 0}) night_mode = NightMode(canvas, {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, WIDTH) score = Score() # Timers cloud_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() obstacle_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() power_up_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() running = True while running: delta_time = clock.tick(FPS) / 1000 # Time passed since the last frame in seconds for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in [pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q]): running = False keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() # Update game objects runner.update(keys, delta_time) parallax_background.update(delta_time) # Obstacle Timer Logic if pygame.time.get_ticks() - obstacle_timer > random.uniform(0.2, 2.0) * 1000: # Random delay between 0.2 and 2 seconds obstacles.append(Obstacle(canvas, 'type1', {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, {'WIDTH': WIDTH, 'HEIGHT': HEIGHT}, OBSTACLE_INITIAL_SPEED, WIDTH)) obstacle_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() for obstacle in obstacles: obstacle.update(delta_time) if obstacle.remove: obstacles.remove(obstacle) # Power-Up Timer Logic if pygame.time.get_ticks() - power_up_timer > 10000: # Every 10 seconds # Pass the runner's y position to the power-up power_ups.append(PowerUp(canvas, {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, {'WIDTH': WIDTH, 'HEIGHT': HEIGHT}, runner.y_pos)) power_up_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() for power_up in power_ups: power_up.update(delta_time) if power_up.remove: power_ups.remove(power_up) # Check if the runner has walked off the left side of the screen if runner.x_pos + runner.width < 0: print("Well, well, well...So you found my first key...") running = False # Collision Detection runner_rect = runner.get_rect() for obstacle in obstacles: if runner_rect.colliderect(obstacle.get_rect()): print("Collision detected with obstacle!") running = False # End the game for power_up in power_ups: if runner_rect.colliderect(power_up.get_rect()): print("Collision detected with power-up!") power_up.remove = True # Mark power-up for removal if runner.x_pos < -runner.width: glitch_effect(canvas, "GOING BACKWARDS WAS THE ONLY SOLUTION. WELL PLAYED") running = False # End the game loop # Draw everything canvas.fill(BLACK) parallax_background.draw() # Draw parallax background horizon_line.draw() for obstacle in obstacles: obstacle.draw() for power_up in power_ups: power_up.draw() runner.draw() night_mode.draw() score.draw(canvas) # Draw the score on top pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit() def glitch_effect(canvas, message): # Save the original surface original_surface = canvas.copy() # Define glitch parameters glitch_duration = 3000 # 1 second in milliseconds start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() while pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_time < glitch_duration: # Clear the canvas canvas.fill(BLACK) # Pixelation effect for y in range(0, HEIGHT, 8): for x in range(0, WIDTH, 8): # Choose a random 8x8 block from the original surface block_x = random.randint(0, WIDTH - 8) block_y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 8) canvas.blit(original_surface, (x, y), (block_x, block_y, 8, 8)) # Color shift effect for _ in range(100): # Number of color shift blocks x = random.randint(0, WIDTH - 1) y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 1) w = random.randint(1, 10) h = random.randint(1, 10) color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) pygame.draw.rect(canvas, color, (x, y, w, h)) # Screen tearing effect tear_y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 1) canvas.blit(original_surface, (0, tear_y), (0, 0, WIDTH, tear_y)) canvas.blit(original_surface, (0, tear_y), (0, tear_y + 1, WIDTH, HEIGHT - tear_y)) # Draw the message font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) text_surface = font.render(message, True, (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))) canvas.blit(text_surface, (WIDTH // 2 - text_surface.get_width() // 2, HEIGHT // 2 - text_surface.get_height() // 2)) # Update display pygame.display.flip() # Small delay to control frame rate pygame.time.delay(30) # About 30 FPS # Restore the original surface canvas.blit(original_surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() main() def game_2(): # Welcome Player print('Welcome to the game Oregon Trail ') # Asking name player_name = input('What is your name: ') while True: if len(player_name) > 1: print(f"{player_name}? It is a good name.") break elif len(player_name) == 1: player_name_choice = input(f"{player_name}? Are you kidding me? Only one letter?(y/n): ").lower() if player_name_choice in ['y', 'yes']: print("Ok...") break else: player_name = input('What is your name: ') else: print("You did not type anything, try again") player_name = input('What is your name: ') if player_name == 'Meriwether Lewis': year_set = 1803 mode_choice = 'impossible' else: while True: year_set = input('Enter a year whatever you like: ') if year_set.isdigit(): year_set = int(year_set) break print('Error, please try again!') print('Which mode do you want to play?') while True: mode_choice = input('(easy, normal, hard, impossible, customize): ').lower() if mode_choice in ['easy', 'normal', 'hard', 'impossible']: if mode_choice == 'easy': food_num = 1000 health_num = 10 elif mode_choice == 'normal': food_num = 500 health_num = 5 elif mode_choice == 'hard': food_num = 300 health_num = 4 else: # impossible food_num = 150 health_num = 3 break elif mode_choice == 'customize': while True: food_num = input('How much food do you want: ') if food_num.isdigit(): food_num = int(food_num) break print('Error, please try again!') while True: health_num = input('How much health do you want: ') if health_num.isdigit(): health_num = int(health_num) break print('Error, please try again!') break else: print("Bad input, try again!") # Other basic starting value setting player_move_distance = 0 month_num = 3 days_pass = 1 total_days = 0 MONTHS_WITH_31_DAYS = [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12] random_result = 0 health_d1 = random.randint(1, 31) health_d2 = random.randint(1, 31) acident_appear = random.randint(1, 30) travel_total_num = 0 rest_total_num = 0 hunt_total_num = 0 status_total_num = 0 month_appear = 'March' # Add days function def add_days(min, max): global days_pass, month_num, random_result, food_num, health_num, total_days, health_d1, health_d2, acident_appear random_result = random.randint(min, max) print('Now', random_result, "days passed..") days_pass_min = days_pass check_big = days_pass + random_result # Accident if acident_appear >= days_pass and acident_appear <= check_big: a_number = random.randint(1, 3) a_health_num = random.randint(1, 2) if a_number == 1: print('During this time, you crossed a river.') elif a_number == 2: print('During this time, you had a dysentery.') elif a_number == 3: print('During this time, you saw a beautiful girl and had a good time with her.') random_result2_food = random.randint(1, 10) random_result2_day = random.randint(1, 10) print('As a result, you eat ' + str(random_result2_food) + ' lbs extra food.') print('It also took up extra ' + str(random_result2_day) + ' days.') if a_health_num == 1: print('And you also lose 1 health') health_num -= 1 food_num -= random_result2_food + random_result2_day * 5 days_pass += random_result2_day total_days += random_result2_day # Health decrease randomly if health_d1 >= days_pass_min and health_d1 <= check_big: health_num -= 1 print('Unfortunately, you lose 1 health during this time.') if health_d2 >= days_pass_min and health_d2 <= check_big: health_num -= 1 print('Unfortunately, you lose 1 health during this time.') days_pass += random_result total_days += random_result food_num -= random_result * 5 if days_pass > 30: if month_num not in MONTHS_WITH_31_DAYS: days_pass -= 30 else: days_pass -= 31 month_num += 1 health_d1 = random.randint(1, 30) health_d2 = random.randint(1, 30) acident_appear = random.randint(1, 30) # Travel function def travle1(movedistance): global travel_total_num add_days(3, 7) movedistance += random.randint(30, 60) travel_total_num += 1 return movedistance # Rest function def rest(health): global rest_total_num add_days(2, 5) health += 1 rest_total_num += 1 return health # Hunt function def hunt(hunting_food): global hunt_total_num add_days(2, 5) hunting_food += 100 print('Gain: 100 lbs food') hunt_total_num += 1 return hunting_food # Month appearance function def month_appear_fun(): global month_appear months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] month_appear = months[month_num - 1] return month_appear # Loading part print('--------------------------------------') print('Now Loading...') time.sleep(0.5) print('Now loading the player setting...') time.sleep(2) print('Successfully!') time.sleep(0.5) print('Now loading the game setting...') time.sleep(2) print('Successfully!') time.sleep(0.5) print('Preparing the trip for Oregon...') time.sleep(2) print('Successfully!') time.sleep(0.5) print('Now game is ready!') print('--------------------------------------') print('Attention:') print('We will be recreating Oregon Trail! The goal is to travel from NYC to') print('Oregon (2000 miles) by Dec 31st. However, the trail is arduous. Each') print('day costs you food and health. You can hunt and rest, but you have to') print('get there before winter. If confused, type help. GOOD LUCK!') print('--------------------------------------') # Main game loop while player_move_distance < 2000 and food_num > 0 and health_num > 0 and month_num < 13: month_appear_fun() if food_num <= 50: print(f'Warning! You only have {food_num} lbs food now.') print('You need to hunt now.') if health_num <= 2: print(f'Warning! You only have {health_num} health now.') print('You need to rest now.') print(f'Now {month_appear} {days_pass}th') print(f'Food: {food_num} lbs') print(f'Health: {health_num}') print(f'Distance traveled: {player_move_distance} miles') print(f'Total days passed: {total_days} days') print('What do you want to do?') action = input('(travel, rest, hunt, status): ').lower() if action == 'travel': player_move_distance = travle1(player_move_distance) elif action == 'rest': health_num = rest(health_num) elif action == 'hunt': food_num = hunt(food_num) elif action == 'status': print(f'Travel: {travel_total_num} times') print(f'Rest: {rest_total_num} times') print(f'Hunt: {hunt_total_num} times') print(f'Status: {status_total_num} times') status_total_num += 1 else: print("Invalid action, please try again.") # Check for game over conditions if player_move_distance >= 2000: print('Congratulations! You have reached Oregon!') break elif food_num <= 0: print('You have run out of food. Game Over!') break elif health_num <= 0: print('Your health has run out. Game Over!') break elif month_num == 12 and days_pass >= 31: print('You did not reach Oregon before the end of the year. Game Over!') break # End of game message print('Game Over!') print(f'You traveled {player_move_distance} miles.') print(f'You had {food_num} lbs of food left.') print(f'Your health was at {health_num}.') print(f'Total days on the trail: {total_days} days.') def game_3(): import heapq from collections import defaultdict # Initialize Pygame pygame.init() pygame.font.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Game constants PLAYER_SIZE = 20 PLAYER_SPEED = 5 WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 600 BLACK = (0, 0, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) # Setup the window WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Tron AI") # Game variables should be defined here if not already globally defined global trails, score, game_over, difficulty, powerups, player1_pos, player2_pos, player1_dir, player2_dir trails = [[], []] score = [0, 0] game_over = False difficulty = 1 powerups = [] font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) # Ensure these are defined before main() is called player1_pos = None # Will be properly set in main or another init function player2_pos = None # Same as above player1_dir = None # Will be initialized in main player2_dir = None # Will be initialized in main # AStarNode class definition class AStarNode: def __init__(self, pos, g, h, parent=None): self.pos = pos self.g = g self.h = h self.f = g + h self.parent = parent def __lt__(self, other): return self.f < other.f # TronAI class definition class TronAI: def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.difficulty = 1 self.grid = [[0 for _ in range(height)] for _ in range(width)] self.open_list = [] self.closed_set = set() def update_difficulty(self): self.difficulty += 0.5 # Increase difficulty each time player wins def heuristic(self, a, b): return abs(a[0] - b[0]) + abs(a[1] - b[1]) # Manhattan distance def get_neighbors(self, pos): directions = [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)] neighbors = [] for dx, dy in directions: new_pos = (pos[0] + dx * PLAYER_SIZE, pos[1] + dy * PLAYER_SIZE) if 0 <= new_pos[0] < self.width and 0 <= new_pos[1] < self.height and self.grid[new_pos[0]][new_pos[1]] == 0: neighbors.append(new_pos) return neighbors def a_star_search(self, start, goal): start_node = AStarNode(start, 0, self.heuristic(start, goal)) heapq.heappush(self.open_list, start_node) self.closed_set.clear() while self.open_list: current_node = heapq.heappop(self.open_list) if current_node.pos == goal: path = [] while current_node: path.append(current_node.pos) current_node = current_node.parent return path[::-1] # Return reversed path self.closed_set.add(current_node.pos) for neighbor_pos in self.get_neighbors(current_node.pos): if neighbor_pos in self.closed_set: continue neighbor_node = AStarNode(neighbor_pos, current_node.g + 1, self.heuristic(neighbor_pos, goal), current_node) if neighbor_node not in self.open_list: heapq.heappush(self.open_list, neighbor_node) else: # If this node is already in open_list but with a higher cost, update it idx = self.open_list.index(neighbor_node) if self.open_list[idx].g > neighbor_node.g: self.open_list[idx] = neighbor_node heapq.heapify(self.open_list) return None # No path found def update_grid(self, trails): for row in self.grid: row[:] = [0] * self.height # Reset grid for trail in trails: for x, y in trail: if 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height: self.grid[int(x)][int(y)] = 1 def move(self, current_pos, player_trail, opponent_trail): self.update_grid([player_trail, opponent_trail]) # Here we set a goal that's far from the player to encourage long survival goal = (self.width - current_pos[0], self.height - current_pos[1]) if random.random() < 0.5 else (0, 0) # With increased difficulty, AI might choose to cut off player or go for a powerup if random.random() < self.difficulty / 10: # Try to cut off player or go for strategic advantage goal = self.strategic_goal(current_pos, player_trail[-1]) path = self.a_star_search(current_pos, goal) if path and len(path) > 1: return [path[1][0] - current_pos[0], path[1][1] - current_pos[1]] else: # If no path found or only current position, make a random safe move safe_moves = self.get_neighbors(current_pos) if safe_moves: return [random.choice(safe_moves)[0] - current_pos[0], random.choice(safe_moves)[1] - current_pos[1]] else: # If no safe moves, we're trapped, so just don't move or move into self to end game return [0, 0] # or [-current_dir[0], -current_dir[1]] to move into self def strategic_goal(self, ai_pos, player_pos): # This method should implement strategic decisions like cutting off the player, # going for power-ups, or trapping the player. Here's a simple version: # 1. If close to player, try to cut off if abs(ai_pos[0] - player_pos[0]) + abs(ai_pos[1] - player_pos[1]) < 100: return (player_pos[0] + (ai_pos[0] - player_pos[0]) * 2, player_pos[1] + (ai_pos[1] - player_pos[1]) * 2) # 2. Otherwise, default to a far corner or edge for survival return random.choice([(0, 0), (self.width-1, self.height-1), (0, self.height-1), (self.width-1, 0)]) def ai_move(difficulty): global player2_dir, player2_pos, trails # Assuming player2_pos is the AI's position and player1_pos for the player's last position new_dir = ai.move(player2_pos, trails[1], trails[0]) # trails[1] is assumed to be AI's trail # Normalize direction if diagonal movement is not allowed if abs(new_dir[0]) + abs(new_dir[1]) > 1: new_dir = [1 if new_dir[0] > 0 else (-1 if new_dir[0] < 0 else 0), 1 if new_dir[1] > 0 else (-1 if new_dir[1] < 0 else 0)] player2_dir = new_dir def customization_menu(font): running = True selected_option = None while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: running = False elif event.key == pygame.K_1: selected_option = "player1_color" elif event.key == pygame.K_2: selected_option = "player2_color" elif event.key == pygame.K_3: # Option to start the game directly from here or handle it as needed running = False selected_option = "start_game" WINDOW.fill(BLACK) title = font.render("Customize Your Light Cycle", True, WHITE) WINDOW.blit(title, (WIDTH // 2 - 150, 50)) option1 = font.render("1. Choose Player 1 Color", True, WHITE) option2 = font.render("2. Choose Player 2 Color", True, WHITE) option3 = font.render("3. Start Game", True, WHITE) WINDOW.blit(option1, (WIDTH // 2 - 100, 150)) WINDOW.blit(option2, (WIDTH // 2 - 100, 200)) WINDOW.blit(option3, (WIDTH // 2 - 100, 250)) pygame.display.flip() # Return default customization for now return {"player1_color": WHITE, "player2_color": BLUE} # Here you might want to implement color selection or directly return the selected option if selected_option == "player1_color": return {"player1_color": choose_color(), "player2_color": BLUE} # Assuming BLUE for player 2 or implement choose_color for both elif selected_option == "player2_color": return {"player1_color": WHITE, "player2_color": choose_color()} elif selected_option == "start_game": return {"player1_color": WHITE, "player2_color": BLUE} # Default colors else: return {"player1_color": WHITE, "player2_color": BLUE} def choose_color(): colors = { 'Red': (255, 0, 0), 'Green': (0, 255, 0), 'Blue': (0, 0, 255), 'Yellow': (255, 255, 0), 'Cyan': (0, 255, 255), 'Magenta': (255, 0, 255), 'White': (255, 255, 255), 'Black': (0, 0, 0) } running = True selected_color = 'White' # Default selection while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: return colors[selected_color] elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # Assuming the first color listed is 'Red' and the last is 'Black' color_keys = list(colors.keys()) current_index = color_keys.index(selected_color) if event.key == pygame.K_UP: next_index = (current_index - 1) % len(color_keys) else: # DOWN next_index = (current_index + 1) % len(color_keys) selected_color = color_keys[next_index] elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: running = False WINDOW.fill(BLACK) title = font.render("Choose a Color", True, WHITE) WINDOW.blit(title, (WIDTH // 2 - 75, 50)) for i, (color_name, color_value) in enumerate(colors.items()): color_text = font.render(color_name, True, color_value if color_name == selected_color else WHITE) WINDOW.blit(color_text, (WIDTH // 2 - 50, 100 + i * 30)) pygame.display.flip() # If the player exits without choosing, return white return colors['White'] def move_player(pos, direction, speed): pos[0] += direction[0] * PLAYER_SPEED * speed pos[1] += direction[1] * PLAYER_SPEED * speed def ai_move(difficulty): # This is a placeholder for AI logic. # The actual implementation would depend on how sophisticated you want the AI to be. # Here's a simple example where AI tries to avoid walls and its own trail: global player2_dir # Avoid walls if player2_pos[0] < PLAYER_SIZE or player2_pos[0] > WIDTH - PLAYER_SIZE: player2_dir[0] *= -1 if player2_pos[1] < PLAYER_SIZE or player2_pos[1] > HEIGHT - PLAYER_SIZE: player2_dir[1] *= -1 # Simple trail avoidance (this is very basic and might not work well in practice) for trail in trails[1]: if abs(trail[0] - player2_pos[0]) < PLAYER_SIZE and abs(trail[1] - player2_pos[1]) < PLAYER_SIZE: player2_dir = [random.choice([-1, 1]), random.choice([-1, 1])] break def apply_powerup(player, powerup): # Placeholder for powerup effects if powerup['type'] == 'speed': player['speed'] = 2 # Double speed for a short time, for example elif powerup['type'] == 'shield': player['shield'] = True def spawn_powerup(): if len(powerups) < 3: powerup = { 'pos': [random.randint(0, WIDTH), random.randint(0, HEIGHT)], 'type': random.choice(['speed', 'shield']) } powerups.append(powerup) def check_collision(pos, trail): # Check if the position collides with any point in the trail or the boundaries if (pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= WIDTH or pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= HEIGHT): return True for point in trail: if abs(pos[0] - point[0]) < PLAYER_SIZE and abs(pos[1] - point[1]) < PLAYER_SIZE: return True return False def draw_game(): WINDOW.fill(BLACK) # Draw trails for trail in trails: for point in trail: pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, WHITE if trail == trails[0] else BLUE, (point[0], point[1], PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE)) # Draw players (assuming you have sprites or just draw rectangles for now) pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, WHITE, (player1_pos[0], player1_pos[1], PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, BLUE, (player2_pos[0], player2_pos[1], PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE)) # Draw power-ups for powerup in powerups:, YELLOW, (int(powerup['pos'][0]), int(powerup['pos'][1])), 5) # Draw score score_text = font.render(f"Score: {score[0]} - {score[1]}", True, WHITE) WINDOW.blit(score_text, (10, 10)) if game_over: game_over_text = font.render("Game Over! Press 'R' to restart.", True, RED) WINDOW.blit(game_over_text, (WIDTH // 2 - 150, HEIGHT // 2)) pygame.display.flip() player1_sprite = pygame.image.load('images/ship.png') player2_sprite = pygame.image.load('images/ship2.png') # Apply customization (for now, just use the default colors) player1_sprite = pygame.transform.scale(player1_sprite, (PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE)) player2_sprite = pygame.transform.scale(player2_sprite, (PLAYER_SIZE, PLAYER_SIZE)) # Ensure these are defined before main() is called player1_pos = None # Will be properly set in main or another init function player2_pos = None # Same as above def main(): global player1_pos, player2_pos, player1_dir, player2_dir, trails, score, game_over, difficulty customization = customization_menu(font) # Apply customization here, for example: player1_color = customization["player1_color"] player2_color = customization["player2_color"] # Initialize player positions here, before they're used player1_pos = [WIDTH // 4, HEIGHT // 2] player2_pos = [3 * WIDTH // 4, HEIGHT // 2] player1_dir = [0, 0] player2_dir = [0, 0] player1 = {'pos': player1_pos, 'dir': player1_dir, 'speed': 1, 'shield': False} player2 = {'pos': player2_pos, 'dir': player2_dir, 'speed': 1, 'shield': False} # Usage in your game loop: ai = TronAI(WIDTH, HEIGHT) running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if game_over: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_r: game_over = False player1['pos'] = [WIDTH // 4, HEIGHT // 2] player2['pos'] = [3 * WIDTH // 4, HEIGHT // 2] player1['dir'] = player2['dir'] = [0, 0] trails = [[], []] score = [0, 0] powerups.clear() continue # Player 1 controls if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_w and player1['dir'][1] != 1: player1['dir'] = [0, -1] elif event.key == pygame.K_s and player1['dir'][1] != -1: player1['dir'] = [0, 1] elif event.key == pygame.K_a and player1['dir'][0] != 1: player1['dir'] = [-1, 0] elif event.key == pygame.K_d and player1['dir'][0] != -1: player1['dir'] = [1, 0] if not game_over: # Move players move_player(player1['pos'], player1['dir'], player1['speed']) ai_move(difficulty) move_player(player2['pos'], player2['dir'], player2['speed']) # Check for power-up collision for powerup in powerups[:]: if (abs(player1['pos'][0] - powerup['pos'][0]) < PLAYER_SIZE and abs(player1['pos'][1] - powerup['pos'][1]) < PLAYER_SIZE): apply_powerup(player1, powerup) powerups.remove(powerup) elif (abs(player2['pos'][0] - powerup['pos'][0]) < PLAYER_SIZE and abs(player2['pos'][1] - powerup['pos'][1]) < PLAYER_SIZE): apply_powerup(player2, powerup) powerups.remove(powerup) # Add current positions to trails trails[0].append(player1['pos'][:]) trails[1].append(player2['pos'][:]) # Check for collisions if (check_collision(player1['pos'], trails[0]) or check_collision(player1['pos'], trails[1]) or player1['pos'][0] < 0 or player1['pos'][0] >= WIDTH or player1['pos'][1] < 0 or player1['pos'][1] >= HEIGHT): if not player1['shield']: game_over = True score[1] += 1 else: player1['shield'] = False if (check_collision(player2['pos'], trails[0]) or check_collision(player2['pos'], trails[1]) or player2['pos'][0] < 0 or player2['pos'][0] >= WIDTH or player2['pos'][1] < 0 or player2['pos'][1] >= HEIGHT): if not player2['shield']: game_over = True score[0] += 1 else: player2['shield'] = False # Update trails (simple length limit for performance) for trail in trails: if len(trail) > WIDTH * HEIGHT // (PLAYER_SIZE ** 2): trail.pop(0) # Spawn power-ups if len(powerups) < 3 and random.random() < 0.01: # 1% chance per frame to spawn a power-up spawn_powerup() # Decrease power-up duration for player in [player1, player2]: if player['speed'] > 1: player['speed'] = 1 if player['shield']: player['shield'] = False # Shield lasts only one collision draw_game() clock.tick(10 + difficulty * 2) # Increase game speed with difficulty pygame.quit() # Run the main game main() def game_4(): # Global variables WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 600 player_size = 20 ghost_size = 20 player_speed = 5 ghost_speed = 3 fast_ghost_speed = 6 BLACK = (0, 0, 0) YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) special_dot_color = (255, 0, 0) # Starts red special_dot_speed = 5 # How fast it changes color rainbow_dots_collected = 0 def check_dot_collision(player_pos, dots, special_dot, score, special_dot_timer, rainbow_dots_collected, ghosts): global special_dot_color # Now, this will modify the global variable for dot in dots[:]: if (player_pos[0] < dot[0] + 5 and player_pos[0] + player_size > dot[0] - 5 and player_pos[1] < dot[1] + 5 and player_pos[1] + player_size > dot[1] - 5): dots.remove(dot) ghosts_consumed = len(ghosts) score += ghosts_consumed for i in range(len(ghosts)): ghosts[i] = [random.randint(0, WIDTH - ghost_size), random.randint(0, HEIGHT - ghost_size)] # Check for special dot collision if (player_pos[0] < special_dot[0] + 5 and player_pos[0] + player_size > special_dot[0] - 5 and player_pos[1] < special_dot[1] + 5 and player_pos[1] + player_size > special_dot[1] - 5): score += 10 # Add 10 points for eating the special dot special_dot = [random.randint(20, WIDTH - 20), random.randint(20, HEIGHT - 20)] # Respawn special dot special_dot_color = (255, 0, 0) # Reset color to start the cycle again special_dot_timer = 0 # Increment rainbow dots collected rainbow_dots_collected += 1 # Double the number of ghosts for each rainbow dot collected double_ghosts() def double_ghosts(ghosts, rainbow_dots_collected): # Calculate the multiplier based on rainbow dots collected multiplier = 2 ** rainbow_dots_collected # Ensure there's at least one ghost per original ghost new_ghosts_count = max(1, multiplier * 4) # Starting with 4 ghosts # Generate new ghosts positions new_ghosts = [[random.randint(0, WIDTH - ghost_size), random.randint(0, HEIGHT - ghost_size)] for _ in range(new_ghosts_count)] ghosts = new_ghosts def check_game_over(score): if score <= 0: glitch_effect(win, "Not every gazelle crosses the river...") return False return True def update_score(score, win, font): text = font.render(f'Score: {score}', True, WHITE) win.blit(text, (10, 10)) def draw(win, player_pos, ghosts, dots, special_dot, special_dot_color, score, font, maze): win.fill(BLACK) for y, row in enumerate(maze): for x, cell in enumerate(row): if cell == 1: # Wall pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 255), (x * 20, y * 20, 20, 20)) # Draw player pygame.draw.rect(win, YELLOW, (player_pos[0], player_pos[1], player_size, player_size)) # Draw ghosts for ghost in ghosts: pygame.draw.rect(win, RED, (ghost[0], ghost[1], ghost_size, ghost_size)) # Draw dots for dot in dots:, WHITE, (dot[0], dot[1]), 5) # Draw maze, player, ghosts, regular dots..., special_dot_color, special_dot, 5) # Update score display update_score(score, win, font) pygame.display.update() def move_ghosts(ghosts, player_pos, player_moved, maze): for i in range(4): if player_moved: dx, dy = 0, 0 # Initialize movement deltas # Determine direction towards player or random for ghost 4 if i < 2 or i == 2: if ghosts[i][0] < player_pos[0]: dx = ghost_speed if i < 2 else fast_ghost_speed elif ghosts[i][0] > player_pos[0]: dx = -ghost_speed if i < 2 else -fast_ghost_speed if ghosts[i][1] < player_pos[1]: dy = ghost_speed if i < 2 else fast_ghost_speed elif ghosts[i][1] > player_pos[1]: dy = -ghost_speed if i < 2 else -fast_ghost_speed else: # Random movement for the fourth ghost dx = random.choice([-ghost_speed, 0, ghost_speed]) dy = random.choice([-ghost_speed, 0, ghost_speed]) # Check if the ghost can move in the chosen direction if can_move(ghosts[i][0] + dx, ghosts[i][1] + dy, maze): ghosts[i][0] += dx ghosts[i][1] += dy else: # If the move is blocked, try moving only in one direction or not at all if can_move(ghosts[i][0] + dx, ghosts[i][1], maze): ghosts[i][0] += dx elif can_move(ghosts[i][0], ghosts[i][1] + dy, maze): ghosts[i][1] += dy # If neither direction works, the ghost stays still or you could implement a pathfinding algorithm here def check_ghost_collision(player_pos, ghosts, score): for i, ghost in enumerate(ghosts): if (ghost[0] < player_pos[0] + player_size and ghost[0] + ghost_size > player_pos[0] and ghost[1] < player_pos[1] + player_size and ghost[1] + ghost_size > player_pos[1]): score -= 1 ghosts[i] = [random.randint(0, WIDTH - ghost_size), random.randint(0, HEIGHT - ghost_size)] def spawn_dots(dot_timer, dots): dot_timer += 1 if dot_timer >= 90: # 3 seconds at 30 FPS dots.append([random.randint(20, WIDTH - 20), random.randint(20, HEIGHT - 20)]) dot_timer = 0 def generate_maze(width, height): maze = [[1 for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)] def carve_path(x, y): maze[y][x] = 0 # 0 represents a path directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] random.shuffle(directions) for dx, dy in directions: nx, ny = x + dx*2, y + dy*2 if 0 <= ny < height and 0 <= nx < width and maze[ny][nx] == 1: maze[y + dy][x + dx] = 0 carve_path(nx, ny) carve_path(1, 1) # Start carving from near the top-left corner to leave a border return maze def remove_dead_ends(maze): def is_dead_end(x, y): if maze[y][x] == 0: # If it's a path paths = sum(1 for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] if 0 <= y + dy < len(maze) and 0 <= x + dx < len(maze[0]) and maze[y + dy][x + dx] == 0) return paths == 1 # Only one way in or out return False for y in range(1, len(maze) - 1): for x in range(1, len(maze[0]) - 1): if is_dead_end(x, y): # Find a way to connect this dead end directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] random.shuffle(directions) for dx, dy in directions: nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy if maze[ny][nx] == 1: # If it's a wall maze[ny][nx] = 0 # Make it a path break # Only need to connect once return maze def can_move(x, y, maze): grid_x, grid_y = int(x // 20), int(y // 20) if 0 <= grid_x < len(maze[0]) and 0 <= grid_y < len(maze): return maze[grid_y][grid_x] == 0 return False def glitch_effect(canvas, message): # Save the original surface original_surface = canvas.copy() # Define glitch parameters glitch_duration = 3000 # 1 second in milliseconds start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() while pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_time < glitch_duration: # Clear the canvas canvas.fill(BLACK) # Pixelation effect for y in range(0, HEIGHT, 8): for x in range(0, WIDTH, 8): # Choose a random 8x8 block from the original surface block_x = random.randint(0, WIDTH - 8) block_y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 8) canvas.blit(original_surface, (x, y), (block_x, block_y, 8, 8)) # Color shift effect for _ in range(100): # Number of color shift blocks x = random.randint(0, WIDTH - 1) y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 1) w = random.randint(1, 10) h = random.randint(1, 10) color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) pygame.draw.rect(canvas, color, (x, y, w, h)) # Screen tearing effect tear_y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 1) canvas.blit(original_surface, (0, tear_y), (0, 0, WIDTH, tear_y)) canvas.blit(original_surface, (0, tear_y), (0, tear_y + 1, WIDTH, HEIGHT - tear_y)) # Draw the message font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) text_surface = font.render(message, True, (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))) canvas.blit(text_surface, (WIDTH // 2 - text_surface.get_width() // 2, HEIGHT // 2 - text_surface.get_height() // 2)) # Update display pygame.display.flip() # Small delay to control frame rate pygame.time.delay(30) # About 30 FPS # Restore the original surface canvas.blit(original_surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() def game(): global special_dot_color, rainbow_dots_collected # Declare special_dot_color as global # Initialize pygame pygame.init() win = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Pac-Man AI") # Font for score display font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) # Maze generation maze = generate_maze(WIDTH // 20, HEIGHT // 20) maze = remove_dead_ends(maze) # Game state player_pos = [WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2] ghosts = [[random.randint(0, WIDTH - ghost_size), random.randint(0, HEIGHT - ghost_size)] for _ in range(4)] # Start with 4 ghosts dots = [] special_dot = [random.randint(20, WIDTH - 20), random.randint(20, HEIGHT - 20)] score = 20 dot_timer = 0 last_player_pos = player_pos.copy() player_moved = False rainbow_dots_collected = 0 special_dot_color = (255, 0, 0) # Starts red special_dot_speed = 5 # How fast it changes color rainbow_dots_collected = 0 # Main game loop run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() special_dot_timer = 0 while run: clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_a] and player_pos[0] > 0 and can_move(player_pos[0] - player_speed, player_pos[1], maze): player_pos[0] -= player_speed player_moved = True if keys[pygame.K_d] and player_pos[0] < WIDTH - player_size and can_move(player_pos[0] + player_speed, player_pos[1], maze): player_pos[0] += player_speed player_moved = True if keys[pygame.K_w] and player_pos[1] > 0 and can_move(player_pos[0], player_pos[1] - player_speed, maze): player_pos[1] -= player_speed player_moved = True if keys[pygame.K_s] and player_pos[1] < HEIGHT - player_size and can_move(player_pos[0], player_pos[1] + player_speed, maze): player_pos[1] += player_speed player_moved = True if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] or keys[pygame.K_q]: run = False # Update game state special_dot_timer += 1 if special_dot_timer >= special_dot_speed: # Cycle through RGB colors for a rainbow effect if special_dot_color[0] > 0: # Red to Green special_dot_color = (special_dot_color[0] - 1, special_dot_color[1] + 1, 0) elif special_dot_color[1] > 0: # Green to Blue special_dot_color = (0, special_dot_color[1] - 1, special_dot_color[2] + 1) else: # Blue to Red special_dot_color = (special_dot_color[0] + 1, 0, special_dot_color[2] - 1) special_dot_timer = 0 # Call functions with necessary parameters move_ghosts(ghosts, player_pos, player_moved, maze) spawn_dots(dot_timer, dots) check_ghost_collision(player_pos, ghosts, score) check_dot_collision(player_pos, dots, special_dot, score, special_dot_timer, rainbow_dots_collected, ghosts) run = check_game_over(score) draw(win, player_pos, ghosts, dots, special_dot, special_dot_color, score, font, maze) # Reset player moved flag player_moved = False # Game over check if not run: glitch_effect(win, "Game Over!") pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.quit() game() def game_5(): pass def check_and_reset_files(sec_url, base_url_file, sanitized_file_path, output_file_path): # Check if the base URL has changed reset_files = False if os.path.exists(base_url_file): with open(base_url_file, 'r') as file: last_base_url = if last_base_url != sec_url: reset_files = True else: reset_files = True # Reset files if the base URL has changed if reset_files: print("Base URL has changed. Resetting tracking files.") with open(base_url_file, 'w') as file: file.write(sec_url) if os.path.exists(sanitized_file_path): os.remove(sanitized_file_path) if os.path.exists(output_file_path): os.remove(output_file_path) def download_files(): # Path to the log file log_file_path = os.path.join(download_directory, 'download-legal-source-log.txt') # Read existing files from download_log.txt existing_files = set() if os.path.exists(log_file_path): with open(log_file_path, 'r') as log_file: existing_files = set(line.strip() for line in log_file.readlines()) # Get the list of subdirectories subdirectory_names = [d for d in os.listdir(download_directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(download_directory, d))] # Generate file URLs from subdirectory names file_urls = [f"{base_url}/{subdirectory_name}.zip" for subdirectory_name in subdirectory_names] expected_files = {url.split('/')[-1] for url in file_urls} # Determine missing files missing_files = expected_files - existing_files total_files = len(missing_files) skipped_files = len(existing_files) - (len(expected_files) - total_files) # Grab Edgar CIK master list. # Create a progress bar for the download process with tqdm(total=total_files, desc="Downloading files") as pbar: for url in file_urls: file_name = url.split('/')[-1] # Extract file name from URL local_path = os.path.join(download_directory, file_name) if file_name in missing_files: attempt = 0 while attempt < 4: headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} try: # Create request with headers req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: # Check for successful response if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) with open(local_path, 'wb') as f: f.write( print(f"\nDownloaded {file_name}") break # Exit retry loop if successful except (HTTPError, URLError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed to download {file_name}: {e}") attempt += 1 if attempt == 3: # Use backup headers on 4th attempt print(f"Retrying with backup headers for {file_name}") try: backup_req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=backup_headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(backup_req) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) with open(local_path, 'wb') as f: f.write( print(f"\nDownloaded {file_name}") break except (HTTPError, URLError) as e: print(f"Final attempt failed for {file_name}: {e}") pbar.update(1) # Update progress bar for downloaded files # Append newly downloaded files to the log file with open(log_file_path, 'a') as log_file: for file_name in missing_files: log_file.write(file_name + '\n') print(f"\nSummary:") print(f"Files downloaded: {total_files}") print(f"Files skipped (already present): {skipped_files}") # Function to download a single file with retry mechanism and logging def download_file(url, directory, subdirectory_name, retries=10, delay=1): filename = os.path.join(directory, f"{subdirectory_name}.txt") # Check if the file already exists if os.path.exists(filename): print(f"File {filename} already exists. Skipping.") return True for attempt in range(retries): try: headers = { 'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]" } if verbose: print(f"Attempting to download {url}") # Create a request object with headers req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) if verbose: print(f"Saving to {filename}...") with open(filename, 'wb') as file: file.write( print(f"Downloaded: {filename}") md5_hash = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() # Log the source URL and timestamp timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") log_filename = os.path.join(directory, "download_log.txt") with open(log_filename, 'a') as log_file: log_file.write(f"{subdirectory_name}.txt,{timestamp},{url},{md5_hash}\n") if verbose: print(f"Logged download details to {log_filename}") # Verify file size file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if verbose: print(f"File size: {file_size} bytes") return True except (HTTPError, URLError, IOError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}") if attempt < retries - 1: # No need to sleep after the last attempt time.sleep(delay * (2 ** attempt)) # Exponential backoff print(f"Failed to download {url} after {retries} retries") return False def GUI_DL(url): base_download_dir = './edgar' error_log_path = 'error_log.txt' filename = os.path.basename(url) file_path = os.path.join(base_download_dir, filename) retries = 3 delay = 1 verbose = True for attempt in range(retries): try: headers = { 'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]" } if verbose: print(f"Attempting to download {url}") response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() # Raises an exception for non-2xx status codes content = response.content if verbose: print(f"Saving to {file_path}...") with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: file.write(content) # Write the content to the file print(f"Downloaded: {file_path}") # Log the source URL and timestamp timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") log_filename = os.path.join(base_download_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0] + '-legal-source-log.txt') # Ensure the directory exists for the log file os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(log_filename), exist_ok=True) # Calculate MD5 hash md5_hash = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() with open(log_filename, 'a') as log_file: log_file.write(f"{url},{file_path},{timestamp},{md5_hash}\n") log_file.write(f"URL: {url}\nDownloaded at: {timestamp}\n") if verbose: print(f"Logged download details to {log_filename}") # Verify file size file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) if verbose: print(f"File size: {file_size} bytes") return file_path # Return the path of the downloaded file except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}") if attempt < retries - 1: time.sleep(delay * (2 ** attempt)) # Exponential backoff print(f"Failed to download {url} after {retries} retries") with open(error_log_path, 'a') as error_log_file: error_log_file.write(f"Failed to download {url} after {retries} retries\n") return None # Return None if download fails after all retries def testing(sec_url): base_url_file='base_url.txt' sanitized_file_path='sanitized_subdirectories.txt' output_file_path='completed_subdirectories.txt' download_directory='./edgar' error_log_path='error_log.txt' base_download_dir = './edgar' headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} # Ensure the treasure vault exists os.makedirs(base_download_dir, exist_ok=True) print(f"Embarking on the quest for {sec_url}...") # The spell to conjure a file from the digital ether check_and_reset_files(sec_url, base_url_file, sanitized_file_path, output_file_path) folder_name = sec_url.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1] full_download_directory = os.path.join(base_download_dir, folder_name) print(f"Full download directory: {full_download_directory} - Here lies our treasure vault") # Here we call upon the ancient rites to reveal hidden paths subdirectories = scrape_subdirectories(sec_url) if not subdirectories: print(f"No hidden chambers found at {sec_url}. Exiting this quest.") return full_subdirectory_urls = [f"{sec_url.rstrip('/')}/{sub}" for sub in subdirectories] with open(sanitized_file_path, 'w') as sanitized_file: sanitized_file.write('\n'.join(full_subdirectory_urls)) print(f"Sanitized list created: {sanitized_file_path} - The map to hidden chambers is drawn") if os.path.exists(output_file_path): with open(output_file_path, 'r') as file: completed_subdirectories = [line.strip() for line in file] else: completed_subdirectories = [] os.makedirs(full_download_directory, exist_ok=True) print(f"Download directory created: {full_download_directory} - The vault is ready to receive its riches") total_subdirectories = len(full_subdirectory_urls) processed_subdirectories = len(completed_subdirectories) for subdirectory in full_subdirectory_urls: if subdirectory in completed_subdirectories: print(f"Skipping already plundered chamber: {subdirectory}") continue print(f"Venturing into the chamber: {subdirectory}") try: # Summoning the directory's content with an ancient spell soup = fetch_directory(subdirectory) txt_links = extract_txt_links(soup) # Extracting the scrolls of knowledge from the chamber print(f"Found txt links in {subdirectory}: {txt_links}") for txt_link in txt_links: txt_url = "" + txt_link print(f"Downloading txt file: {txt_url} - Securing the scroll") if download_file(txt_url, full_download_directory,): with open(output_file_path, 'a') as completed_file: completed_file.write(subdirectory + '\n') break time.sleep(.1) # A brief rest to avoid angering the digital spirits except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to access {subdirectory}: {e} - Beware, for this path is cursed!") with open('error_log.txt', 'a') as error_log_file: error_log_file.write(f"Failed to access {subdirectory}: {e}\n") processed_subdirectories += 1 print(f"Progress: {processed_subdirectories}/{total_subdirectories} chambers explored.") remaining_subdirectories = [sub for sub in full_subdirectory_urls if sub not in completed_subdirectories] with open(sanitized_file_path, 'w') as sanitized_file: sanitized_file.write('\n'.join(remaining_subdirectories)) print("Download complete for current CIK - The quest for this treasure trove ends.") def run_main(): # Define the base path relative to the home directory base_path = Path.cwd() # Normalize the path to the correct format for the current OS normalized_path = base_path.resolve() base_url_file='base_url.txt' # Convert the path to the appropriate format for Windows if needed if == 'nt': # Windows normalized_path = normalized_path.as_posix().replace('/', '\\') print("Normalized Path:", normalized_path) try: if not check_free_space(download_directory2): print("Not enough free space to proceed. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) while True: directory_part = input( "Please enter the CIK number of the Edgar directory to be scraped, or one of the following options:\n" "1. archives - search tool to find and list any companies SEC filings. Can also search for Last Names.\n" "2. csv - function to select and process a CSV created from searching the Edgar archives.\n" "3. view-files - To perform an Edgar inventory check.\n" "4. parse-files - To parse SEC filings after processing.\n" "5. help - To get information about all the things.\n" "69. AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - An absolutely horrible option that fills up your ENTIRE harddrive with SEC filings.<< (hint: srsly NOT advised.)\n" "0. Return to main menu.\n" "Enter your choice: ").strip() if directory_part == "1" or directory_part == "archives": print("You have chosen to search the master archives and output a CSV of results for view-files and parse-files to use.") verify_and_prompt() elif directory_part == "2" or directory_part == "csv": csv_files = list_csv_files("./edgar") if not csv_files: print("No CSV files found.") continue print("Available CSV files (without '_results.csv'):") for i, file in enumerate(csv_files): print(f"{i + 1}: {file[:-len('_results.csv')]}") file_choice = int(input("Select a CSV file by number or enter 0 to exit: ")) if file_choice == 0: continue if 1 <= file_choice <= len(csv_files): csv_file = csv_files[file_choice - 1] print(f"Selected CSV file: {csv_file}") CSV_EXTRACTION_METHOD = input("use archves URL listings or crawl SEC site? (options are 'url' or 'crawl')").strip() if CSV_EXTRACTION_METHOD == 'url': # function to read URLs from CSV and download them directly from created list. download_from_csv(csv_file) elif CSV_EXTRACTION_METHOD == 'crawl': # function to use the CIK's to crawl and download in a more aggressive way. download_from_crawling(csv_file) elif directory_part == "0": continue else: print("please enter url, crawl, or 0 to go back to main menu") print("Processing of CSV URLs complete.") else: print("Invalid choice.") elif directory_part == "3" or directory_part == "view-files": print("Beginning downloaded Edgar filings check.") clean() elif directory_part == "4" or directory_part == "parse-files": print("Proceeding with parse option.") parse(sec_urls=None) elif directory_part == "5" or directory_part == "help": print_help() elif directory_part == "69" or directory_part == "AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs": print("Easter egg found. This allows you to download ALL SEC filings.") sec_processing_pipeline() elif directory_part == "0": continue elif len(directory_part) > 5 and directory_part.isdigit(): sec_url = edgar_url + directory_part testing(sec_url) else: print("Invalid input. Please try again.") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nInterrupted by user.") finally: print("Script execution finished.") def search_master_archives(search_term, directory): global tqdm search_term = search_term.strip() if not search_term or ' ' in search_term: print("Invalid search term provided. Please enter a single term.") return output_dir='./' # Ensure the output directory exists Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) results_file = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{search_term}_results.csv") zip_files = [os.path.join(root, file) for root, _, files in os.walk(directory) for file in files if file.endswith(".zip")] with open(results_file, 'w', newline='') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(["CIK", "Company Name", "Form Type", "Date Filed", "Filename"]) # Wrap the iterable with tqdm for a progress bar for zip_path in tqdm(zip_files, desc="Searching", unit="file"): try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_file: for zip_info in zip_file.infolist(): if zip_info.filename.endswith(".idx"): with as idx_file: raw_data = encoding = chardet.detect(raw_data)['encoding'] lines = raw_data.decode(encoding, errors='replace').splitlines() for line in lines: parts = line.split('|') if len(parts) < 5: continue company_name = parts[1].strip() if search_term.lower() in company_name.lower(): csv_writer.writerow(parts) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file {zip_path}: {e}") if os.path.exists(results_file) and os.path.getsize(results_file) > 0: print(f"Search results saved to {results_file}") else: print(f"No results found for '{search_term}'") if os.path.exists(results_file): os.remove(results_file) def verify_and_prompt(): def search_and_prompt(): if not failed_downloads: print("All files downloaded successfully.") while True: search_term = get_valid_search_term() # Use the existing function to validate the search term if search_term: search_master_archives(search_term, download_directory) another_search = input("Would you like to search for another term? (yes/no): ").strip().lower() if another_search not in ["yes", "y"]: print("Game On Anon") break else: print("Search term cannot be empty..") else: print("Some files failed to download. Please check the error list.") # Run the search and prompt logic in a separate thread search_thread = threading.Thread(target=search_and_prompt) search_thread.start() search_thread.join() # Wait for the thread to complete def get_valid_search_term(): forbidden_terms = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'edgar', 'www', 'https', '*', '**'} special_terms = {'gamestop', 'cohen', 'chewy'} deep_value_terms = {'citi', 'citigroup', 'salomon', 'lehman', 'stearns', 'barney', 'smith', 'stanley', 'traveler', 'wamu', 'jpm', 'buffet', 'goldman', 'ubs', 'suisse', 'nomura'} while True: search_term = input("Enter search term: ").strip().lower() if len(search_term) == 1 or search_term.isdigit(): return None if not search_term: print("why did you enter a blank query? c'mon.") continue if (len(search_term) == 1 and search_term.isalnum()) or search_term in forbidden_terms: print("anon, don't fucking search for that. c'mon.") if search_term in forbidden_terms: confirmation = input("THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. YOU SURE? (y/n): ").strip().lower() if confirmation == 'y': return search_term else: continue if search_term in deep_value_terms: print("DOING SOME DEEP FUCKING VALUE DILIGENCE? CAN DO ANON.") return search_term if search_term in special_terms: if search_term == 'gamestop' or search_term == 'cohen': print("POWER TO THE PLAYERS!") elif search_term == 'chewy': print("CHEWY. INVESTMENT ADVICE THAT STICKS") return search_term if search_term == 'gill': print("ONE GILL IS NOT LIKE THE OTHERS. ONE IS NOT A CAT.") return search_term return search_term def download_from_csv(csv_file): base_url = "" base_download_dir = './edgar' headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} retries=3 delay=1 verbose=True # Count total rows to set progress bar length with open(csv_file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: total_rows = sum(1 for row in csv.reader(csvfile)) - 1 # Subtract 1 for header # Reset file pointer to start with open(csv_file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) header = next(reader, None) # Skip header but save it rows = list(reader) # Read all rows into memory for easy manipulation # Ensure 'Download Location' is in the header if 'Download Location' not in header: header.append('Download Location') # Initialize progress bar pbar = tqdm(total=total_rows, desc="Downloading", unit="file") failed_downloads = [] for row in rows: if len(row) < 5: pbar.update(1) continue cik = row[0] url = base_url + row[4] filename = url.split('/')[-1] cik_dir = os.path.join(base_download_dir, cik) os.makedirs(cik_dir, exist_ok=True) full_path = os.path.join(cik_dir, filename) download_success = False for attempt in range(retries): try: # Corrected here: Use of Request and urlopen req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) with open(full_path, 'wb') as file: file.write( download_success = True break except (HTTPError, URLError, IOError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}") if attempt < retries - 1: # No need to sleep after the last attempt time.sleep(delay * (2 ** attempt)) # Exponential backoff if download_success: download_timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") row.append(full_path) # Add the download location to the row else: failed_downloads.append(url) row.append('Failed') # Indicate failure in the download location pbar.update(1) pbar.close() # Write back to CSV with the new column with open(csv_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(header) # Write the updated header writer.writerows(rows) # Write the updated rows # Create HTML index with the name based on the CSV file base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(csv_file))[0] html_file_name = f"{base_name}_index.html" with open(html_file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as htmlfile: htmlfile.write(''' Download Index
frames = []
''' + ''.join(f'' for i, h in enumerate(header)) + ''' ''') for row in rows: htmlfile.write('') for item in row: if item.startswith('./edgar') or item == 'Failed': htmlfile.write(f'' if item != 'Failed' else f'') else: htmlfile.write(f'') htmlfile.write('') htmlfile.write('''
''') print(f"HTML index with sorting capability created: {html_file_name}") # Remember to add a timestamp to each row during the download process, like: # row.append("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) def download_from_crawling(csv_file): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor """ Initiates a grand adventure in data acquisition from the depths of the SEC's EDGAR system, using a CSV file as the treasure map. Each CIK is a new quest, each file a piece of lore to be gathered. :param csv_file: The ancient scroll (CSV file) containing CIKs, the keys to untold digital riches. """ base_download_dir = './edgar' ciks = set() # A set, because who likes duplicates in their treasure chest? # Reading the ancient scroll with open(csv_file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) # Skipping the sacred header, if it exists next(reader, None) for row in reader: if len(row) < 1: print(f"Skipping {row} due to lack of substance: likely a cursed line in the scroll.") continue cik = row[0] ciks.add(cik) # Ensure the treasure vault exists os.makedirs(base_download_dir, exist_ok=True) header = ['CIK', 'URL', 'Download Location', 'Status'] rows = [] # Here, we call upon the `download_file` spell, our brave knight in this saga def download_file(url, directory, retries=3, delay=1): # The spell to conjure a file from the digital ether for attempt in range(retries): try: headers = { 'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]" } print(f"Attempting to download {url}...") # The spell to conjure a file from the digital ether req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) filename = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(url)) with open(filename, 'wb') as file: file.write( # Changed from response.content to print(f"Downloaded: {filename}") md5_hash = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") log_filename = os.path.join(directory, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0] + '-legal-source-log.txt') with open(log_filename, 'w') as log_file: log_file.write(f"URL: {url}\nDownloaded at: {timestamp},\n{filename} with MD5 :{md5_hash}\n") print(f"Logged download details to {log_filename}") file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) print(f"File size: {file_size} bytes - the weight of this digital artifact") return True except (HTTPError, URLError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed for {url}: {e} - A dragon guards this treasure!") if attempt < retries - 1: # No need to sleep after the last attempt time.sleep(delay * (attempt + 1)) print(f"Failed to download {url} after {retries} retries - The treasure remains elusive") return False #for cik in ciks: def process_cik(cik): # The URL where our quest begins sec_url_full = f"{cik}/" print(f"Embarking on the quest for {sec_url_full}...") folder_name = sec_url_full.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1] full_download_directory = os.path.join(base_download_dir, folder_name) print(f"Full download directory: {full_download_directory} - Here lies our treasure vault") # Here we call upon the ancient rites to reveal hidden paths subdirectories = scrape_subdirectories(sec_url_full) if not subdirectories: print(f"No hidden chambers found at {sec_url_full}. Exiting this quest.") #continue full_subdirectory_urls = [f"{sec_url_full.rstrip('/')}/{sub}" for sub in subdirectories] sanitized_file_path = 'sanitized_subdirectories.txt' with open(sanitized_file_path, 'w') as sanitized_file: sanitized_file.write('\n'.join(full_subdirectory_urls)) print(f"Sanitized list created: {sanitized_file_path} - The map to hidden chambers is drawn") output_file_path = 'completed_subdirectories.txt' if os.path.exists(output_file_path): with open(output_file_path, 'r') as file: completed_subdirectories = [line.strip() for line in file] else: completed_subdirectories = [] os.makedirs(full_download_directory, exist_ok=True) print(f"Download directory created: {full_download_directory} - The vault is ready to receive its riches") total_subdirectories = len(full_subdirectory_urls) processed_subdirectories = len(completed_subdirectories) for subdirectory in full_subdirectory_urls: if subdirectory in completed_subdirectories: print(f"Skipping already plundered chamber: {subdirectory}") continue print(f"Venturing into the chamber: {subdirectory}") try: # Summoning the directory's content with an ancient spell soup = fetch_directory(subdirectory) # Extracting the scrolls of knowledge from the chamber txt_links = extract_txt_links(soup) print(f"Found txt links in {subdirectory}: {txt_links} - Scrolls of lore discovered") for txt_link in txt_links: txt_url = "" + txt_link print(f"Downloading txt file: {txt_url} - Securing the scroll") download_success = download_file(txt_url, full_download_directory) download_location = os.path.join(full_download_directory, os.path.basename(txt_url)) if download_success else 'Failed' rows.append([cik, txt_url, download_location, 'Success' if download_success else 'Failed']) if download_success: with open(output_file_path, 'a') as completed_file: completed_file.write(subdirectory + '\n') break time.sleep(.1) # A brief rest to avoid angering the digital spirits except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to access {subdirectory}: {e} - Beware, for this path is cursed!") with open('error_log.txt', 'a') as error_log_file: error_log_file.write(f"Failed to access {subdirectory}: {e}\n") processed_subdirectories += 1 print(f"Progress: {processed_subdirectories}/{total_subdirectories} chambers explored.") remaining_subdirectories = [sub for sub in full_subdirectory_urls if sub not in completed_subdirectories] with open(sanitized_file_path, 'w') as sanitized_file: sanitized_file.write('\n'.join(remaining_subdirectories)) print("Download complete for current CIK - The quest for this treasure trove ends.") # Using ThreadPoolExecutor for concurrent processing of CIKs with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor: # Adjust max_workers as needed, ciks) # After all downloads, write to CSV with open(csv_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(header) writer.writerows(rows) # Create HTML index html_file_name = os.path.splitext(csv_file)[0] + '_index.html' with open(html_file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as htmlfile: htmlfile.write('Download Index') htmlfile.write('' + ''.join(f'' for h in header) + '') for row in rows: htmlfile.write('') for item in row: if item.startswith('./edgar') or item == 'Failed': htmlfile.write(f'' if item != 'Failed' else f'') else: htmlfile.write(f'') htmlfile.write('') htmlfile.write('
') print(f"Quest completed for {len(ciks)} CIKs. CSV updated and HTML index created. May their data enrich our realms!") while True: repeat_variable = input("Would you like to embark on another quest for a CIK's worth of files? (yes/no): ").strip().lower() if repeat_variable == "yes": new_cik = input("Enter the new CIK: ").strip() new_sec_url = f"{new_cik}" print(f"Preparing for a new quest with CIK: {new_cik}") # Here you might want to call `process_cik(new_cik)` directly or handle it in another way elif repeat_variable == "no": print("Thank you for your bravery in this quest. Farewell, noble seeker of knowledge!") break else: print("Please choose 'yes' to continue your quest or 'no' to rest.") def edgar_CIKs(): # Configuration url = '' filename = './edgar_CIKs.csv' directory = '.' # Directory where the log file will be saved retries=3 delay=1 verbose=True # Function to download the file def download_file(url, filename, retries, delay, verbose): # Check if the file already exists if os.path.exists(filename): print(f"File {filename} already exists. Skipping.") return True for attempt in range(retries): try: headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} if verbose: print(f"Attempting to download {url}") req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) if verbose: print(f"Saving to {filename}...") with open(filename, 'wb') as file: file.write( print(f"Downloaded: {filename}") md5_hash = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() # Log the source URL and timestamp timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") log_filename = os.path.join(directory, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0] + '-legal-source-log.txt') with open(log_filename, 'w') as log_file: log_file.write(f"URL: {url}\n") log_file.write(f"Downloaded at: {timestamp}\n") log_file.write(f"MD5: {md5_hash}\n") print(f"Logged download details to {log_filename}") # Verify file size file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if verbose: print(f"File size: {file_size} bytes") return True except (HTTPError, URLError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed for {url}: {e} - A dragon guards this treasure!") if attempt < retries - 1: # No need to sleep after the last attempt time.sleep(delay * (attempt + 1)) print(f"Failed to download {url} after {retries} retries") return False # Call the download function return download_file(url, filename, retries, delay, verbose) def fetch_directory(url): retries=3 delay=1 verbose=True headers = { 'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]" # Assuming you've defined this header elsewhere } for attempt in range(retries): try: print(f"Fetching URL: {url}") req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) as response: if response.getcode() != 200: raise HTTPError(url, response.getcode(), "Non-200 status code", headers, None) time.sleep(delay) # Slow down to avoid rate limiting # Here we read the content and then parse it with BeautifulSoup content = return BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') except (HTTPError, URLError) as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed for {url}: {e}") if attempt < retries - 1: # No sleep til brooklyn time.sleep(delay * (attempt + 1)) # Exponential backoff raise Exception(f"Failed to fetch {url} after {retries} retries") def scrape_subdirectories(sec_url): soup = fetch_directory(sec_url) rows = soup.find_all('a') subdirectories = [] for row in rows: href = row.get('href') # Check if the href is a subdirectory link with 18-digit numeric names if href and href.startswith('/Archives/edgar/data/') and len(href.strip('/').split('/')[-1]) == 18: subdirectories.append(href.strip('/').split('/')[-1]) else: print(f"Skipping non-matching href: {href}") # Log non-matching hrefs for debugging print(f"Scraped subdirectories: {subdirectories}\n ") return subdirectories def extract_txt_links(soup): links = soup.find_all('a') txt_links = [link.get('href') for link in links if link.get('href') and link.get('href').endswith('.txt')] return txt_links def list_csv_files(directory): return [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.endswith('_results.csv')] def read_sec_urls_from_csv(csv_file): valid_cik_numbers = [] with open(csv_file, 'r') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: if row: item = row[0].strip() # Check if the item is a valid CIK (an 8 to 10 digit number) if item.isdigit() and 6 <= len(item): valid_cik_numbers.append(item) return valid_cik_numbers def process_cik(cik, **kwargs): # Construct the correct URL for the CIK subdirectory sec_url_full = f"{cik}/" print(f"Processing {sec_url_full}...") # Call the main function with the corrected URL and paths testing(sec_url=sec_url_full) def load_replacements_from_csv(csv_file): replacements = {} try: with open(csv_file, 'r') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: if len(row) >= 2: folder_name = row[0].strip() replacement_word = row[1].strip() replacements[folder_name] = replacement_word except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading CSV file {csv_file}: {e}") return replacements def apply_replacements(directory, replacements): parts = directory.split(os.sep) for i, part in enumerate(parts): parts[i] = replacements.get(part, part) return os.sep.join(parts) def list_directories(base_path, replacements_csv): replacements = load_replacements_from_csv(replacements_csv) directories = [d for d in os.listdir(base_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, d))] if not directories: print("No directories found in the specified path.") sys.exit(1) print("Available directories:") for index, directory in enumerate(directories): # Replace directory names if they exist in the replacements dictionary display_name = replacements.get(directory, directory) # Count files, excluding log files file_count = len([f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(base_path, directory)) if f.endswith('.txt')]) print(f"{index + 1}. {display_name} ({file_count // 2} files)") return directories def get_user_choice(num_options): while True: try: choice = int(input(f"Enter the number of your choice (1-{num_options}): ")) if 1 <= choice <= num_options: return choice - 1 else: print("Invalid choice. Please choose a number within the range.") except ValueError: print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.") def clean(): import sys def load_cik_replacements(cik_file): backup_file="edgar_CIK2.csv" cik_replacements = {} # First, try to load from the primary file with open(cik_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) # Skip the header row if it exists next(reader, None) for row in reader: if len(row) >= 3: # Assuming CIK is in the third column (index 2) and company name in the second (index 1) cik_key = row[2].strip() company_name = row[1].strip() cik_replacements[cik_key] = company_name return cik_replacements def extract_filing_form_type(file_path): if file_path.lower().endswith('.html'): return extract_filing_type_from_html(file_path) else: return extract_filing_type_from_text(file_path) def extract_filing_type_from_text(file_path): # First, try to detect the encoding with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: raw_data = # Read the first 1000 bytes for encoding detection result = chardet.detect(raw_data) detected_encoding = result['encoding'] try: # Try to open with the detected encoding with open(file_path, 'r', encoding=detected_encoding, errors='replace') as file: header_lines = file.readlines()[:20] # Read the first 20 lines for header info except UnicodeDecodeError: # If the detected encoding fails, fall back to a common encoding with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='latin-1', errors='replace') as file: header_lines = file.readlines()[:20] for line in header_lines: match ='CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE:\s*(.*)', line) if match: return return 'Unknown' def extract_filing_type_from_html(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: soup = BeautifulSoup(file, 'html.parser') # Search for meta tags that might include filing type meta_tag = soup.find('meta', {'name': re.compile('SEC FORM TYPE', re.IGNORECASE)}) if meta_tag and 'content' in meta_tag.attrs: return meta_tag['content'].strip() # Check for common HTML structures for filing types header_div = soup.find('div', {'id': 'header'}) if header_div: text = header_div.get_text() match ='CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE:\s*(.*)', text) if match: return return 'Unknown' def categorize_unknown_form_type(form_type): known_patterns = { '10-K': 'Annual Report', '10-Q': 'Quarterly Report', '10-Q/A': 'Amendment to Quarterly Report', '10-K/A': 'Amendment to Annual Report', '8-K': 'Current Report', '8-K/A': 'Amendment to Current Report', 'DEF 14A': 'Proxy Statement', 'DEF 14A/A': 'Amendment to Proxy Statement', 'F-1': 'Registration Statement', 'F-1/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'Form 3': 'Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership', 'Form 3/A': 'Amendment to Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership', 'Form 4': 'Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership', 'Form 4/A': 'Amendment to Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership', 'Form 5': 'Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership', 'Form 5/A': 'Amendment to Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership', 'Form ADV': 'Investment Adviser Registration', 'Form ADV/A': 'Amendment to Investment Adviser Registration', 'Form D': 'Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities', 'Form D/A': 'Amendment to Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities', 'Form N-1A': 'Registration Statement for Open-End Management Investment Companies', 'Form N-1A/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement for Open-End Management Investment Companies', 'Form N-CSR': 'Certified Shareholder Report', 'Form N-CSR/A': 'Amendment to Certified Shareholder Report', 'Form N-Q': 'Quarterly Schedule of Portfolio Holdings', 'Form N-Q/A': 'Amendment to Quarterly Schedule of Portfolio Holdings', '13D': 'Beneficial Ownership Report', '13D/A': 'Amendment to Beneficial Ownership Report', '13G': 'Beneficial Ownership Report', '13G/A': 'Amendment to Beneficial Ownership Report', '13F': 'Institutional Investment Manager Report', '13F/A': 'Amendment to Institutional Investment Manager Report', 'S-1': 'Registration Statement', 'S-1/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'S-3': 'Registration Statement', 'S-3/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'S-4': 'Registration Statement', 'S-4/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'S-8': 'Registration Statement', 'S-8/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'S-11': 'Registration Statement', 'S-11/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'S-12': 'Registration Statement', 'S-12/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'S-15': 'Registration Statement', 'S-15/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'N-2': 'Registration Statement', 'N-2/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'N-3': 'Registration Statement', 'N-3/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'N-4': 'Registration Statement', 'N-4/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'N-5': 'Registration Statement', 'N-5/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'N-6': 'Registration Statement', 'N-6/A': 'Amendment to Registration Statement', 'N-8A': 'Notification of Registration', 'N-8A/A': 'Amendment to Notification of Registration', 'N-8B-2': 'Statement of Registration', 'N-8B-2/A': 'Amendment to Statement of Registration' } return known_patterns.get(form_type, 'Download Logs') def count_filing_form_types(directory): form_type_counts = {} file_paths = [] for filename in os.listdir(directory): file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): form_type = extract_filing_form_type(file_path) if form_type == 'Unknown': # Attempt to categorize unknown types form_type = categorize_unknown_form_type(form_type) if form_type in form_type_counts: form_type_counts[form_type] += 1 else: form_type_counts[form_type] = 1 file_paths.append((file_path, form_type)) return form_type_counts, file_paths def display_subfolders(base_directory, cik_replacements): subdirs = [d for d in os.listdir(base_directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_directory, d))] # Create a list of tuples (original_name, converted_name) and sort by converted_name subdir_list = [(subdir, cik_replacements.get(subdir, subdir)) for subdir in subdirs] sorted_subdirs = sorted(subdir_list, key=lambda x: x[1].lower()) # Create a dictionary to store the sorted subdirectories converted_subdirs = {} for i, (subdir, converted_name) in enumerate(sorted_subdirs, start=1): converted_subdirs[i] = (subdir, converted_name) counts, _ = count_filing_form_types(os.path.join(base_directory, subdir)) total_files = sum(counts.values()) if total_files <= 5: form_list = ', '.join(f"{form_type} ({count} files)" for form_type, count in counts.items()) print(f"{i}. {converted_name} - {total_files} ({form_list})") else: print(f"{i}. {converted_name} - {total_files} files") return converted_subdirs def display_files_and_counts(subdir_path): counts, file_paths = count_filing_form_types(subdir_path) # Sort the counts dictionary alphabetically by form type sorted_counts = dict(sorted(counts.items())) for i, (form_type, count) in enumerate(sorted_counts.items()): print(f"{i + 1}. {form_type} ({count} files)") return sorted_counts, file_paths def clean_file(file_path): temp_file_path = file_path + '.tmp' try: # Copy the original file to a temp file shutil.copy(file_path, temp_file_path) # Read content and process it with open(temp_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = # Remove blank lines content = '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in content.splitlines() if line.strip()) # Find the position of the first occurrence of the GRAPHIC pattern graphic_pattern = re.compile(r'\bGRAPHIC\b\s*\d+\s*\S+\.(jpg|gif|png)\s*\bGRAPHIC\b', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) match = if match: # Remove everything from the start of the GRAPHIC pattern to the end of the file content = content[:match.start()] # Write cleaned content back to temp file with open(temp_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(content) return temp_file_path except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file {file_path}: {e}") return None def clear_console(): # Check for the operating system if == 'nt': # Windows os.system('cls') else: # Unix/Linux/Mac os.system('clear') def view_file_content(file_path): temp_file_path = clean_file(file_path) if temp_file_path: try: # Clear the console before showing file content clear_console() with open(temp_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: print("\nFile Content:") print( finally: # Remove the temporary file after viewing os.remove(temp_file_path) def process_file(file_path): try: def extract_submission_type(file_path): """Extract the CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE from the file header.""" with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: header_lines = file.readlines()[:20] # Read the first 20 lines for header info for line in header_lines: match ='CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE:\s*(.*)', line) if match: submission_type = # Adjust the submission type string if it ends with "/A" if submission_type.endswith("/A"): return submission_type.replace("/A", "A") return submission_type return 'Unknown' #return os.path.basename(file_path).split('.')[0] #Extract submission type from file name or content. def process_10k_reports(file_path): """Process files of type 10-K, 10-K/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['10-K', '10-K/A']: print(f"Processing 10-K Report file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract general information about the company companyName = root.findtext('.//CompanyName', default='').strip() fiscalYearEnd = root.findtext('.//FiscalYearEnd', default='').strip() totalAssets = root.findtext('.//TotalAssets', default='').strip() totalLiabilities = root.findtext('.//TotalLiabilities', default='').strip() shareholdersEquity = root.findtext('.//ShareholdersEquity', default='').strip() revenue = root.findtext('.//Revenue', default='').strip() netIncome = root.findtext('.//NetIncome', default='').strip() operatingCashFlow = root.findtext('.//OperatingCashFlow', default='').strip() investingCashFlow = root.findtext('.//InvestingCashFlow', default='').strip() financingCashFlow = root.findtext('.//FinancingCashFlow', default='').strip() earningsPerShare = root.findtext('.//EarningsPerShare', default='').strip() # Extract management's discussion and analysis mdnaResultsOfOperations = root.findtext('.//MDNAResultsOfOperations', default='').strip() mdnaLiquidityAndCapitalResources = root.findtext('.//MDNALiquidityAndCapitalResources', default='').strip() # Extract executive compensation information executiveCompensation = root.findtext('.//ExecutiveCompensation', default='').strip() # Extract legal proceedings legalProceedings = root.findtext('.//LegalProceedings', default='').strip() # Extract key risks keyRisks = root.findtext('.//KeyRisks', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-empty if (companyName and fiscalYearEnd and totalAssets and totalLiabilities and shareholdersEquity and revenue and netIncome and operatingCashFlow and investingCashFlow and financingCashFlow and earningsPerShare): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL companyName, fiscalYearEnd, totalAssets, totalLiabilities, shareholdersEquity, revenue, netIncome, operatingCashFlow, investingCashFlow, financingCashFlow, earningsPerShare, mdnaResultsOfOperations, mdnaLiquidityAndCapitalResources, executiveCompensation, legalProceedings, keyRisks ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return [] else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] return csv_rows def process_current_reports(file_path): """Process files of type 8-K, 8-K/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['8-K', '8-K/A']: print(f"Processing Current Report file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract information based on XML structure for transaction in root.findall('.//Transaction'): # Adjust the XPath as needed securityTitle = transaction.findtext('securityTitle', default='').strip() transactionDate = transaction.findtext('transactionDate', default='').strip() transactionFormType = transaction.findtext('transactionFormType', default='').strip() transactionCode = transaction.findtext('transactionCode', default='').strip() transactionShares = transaction.findtext('transactionShares', default='').strip() transactionPricePerShare = transaction.findtext('transactionPricePerShare', default='').strip() transactionAcquiredDisposedCode = transaction.findtext('transactionAcquiredDisposedCode', default='').strip() underlyingSecurityTitle = transaction.findtext('underlyingSecurityTitle', default='').strip() underlyingSecurityShares = transaction.findtext('underlyingSecurityShares', default='').strip() sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction = transaction.findtext('sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction', default='').strip() directOrIndirectOwnership = transaction.findtext('directOrIndirectOwnership', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-zero if (securityTitle and transactionDate and transactionFormType and transactionCode and transactionShares and transactionPricePerShare and transactionAcquiredDisposedCode and underlyingSecurityTitle and underlyingSecurityShares and sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction and directOrIndirectOwnership): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL securityTitle, transactionDate, transactionFormType, transactionCode, transactionShares, transactionPricePerShare, transactionAcquiredDisposedCode, underlyingSecurityTitle, underlyingSecurityShares, sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction, directOrIndirectOwnership ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return csv_rows else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] def process_proxy_statements(file_path): """Process files of type DEF 14A, DEF 14A/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['DEF 14A', 'DEF 14A/A']: print(f"Processing Proxy Statement file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract executive compensation information execCompensation = root.findtext('.//ExecutiveCompensation', default='').strip() # Extract director information directorsInfo = root.findtext('.//DirectorsInformation', default='').strip() # Extract shareholder proposals shareholderProposals = root.findtext('.//ShareholderProposals', default='').strip() # Extract corporate governance information corpGovernance = root.findtext('.//CorporateGovernance', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-empty if (execCompensation and directorsInfo and shareholderProposals and corpGovernance): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL execCompensation, directorsInfo, shareholderProposals, corpGovernance ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return csv_rows else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] def process_registration_statements(file_path): """Process files of type F-1, F-1/A, S-1, S-1/A, S-3, S-3/A, S-4, S-4/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['F-1', 'F-1/A', 'S-1', 'S-1/A', 'S-3', 'S-3/A', 'S-4', 'S-4/A']: print(f"Processing Registration Statement file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract general information about the registration issuerName = root.findtext('.//IssuerName', default='').strip() offeringAmount = root.findtext('.//OfferingAmount', default='').strip() sharesOffered = root.findtext('.//SharesOffered', default='').strip() underwriterName = root.findtext('.//UnderwriterName', default='').strip() useOfProceeds = root.findtext('.//UseOfProceeds', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-empty if (issuerName and offeringAmount and sharesOffered and underwriterName and useOfProceeds): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL issuerName, offeringAmount, sharesOffered, underwriterName, useOfProceeds ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return csv_rows else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] def process_insider_trading_reports(file_path): """Process files of type Form 3, Form 3/A, Form 4, Form 4/A, Form 5, Form 5/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['Form 3', 'Form 3/A', 'Form 4', 'Form 4/A', 'Form 5', 'Form 5/A']: print(f"Processing Insider Trading Report file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract insider trading information insiderName = root.findtext('.//InsiderName', default='').strip() reportDate = root.findtext('.//ReportDate', default='').strip() transactionDate = root.findtext('.//TransactionDate', default='').strip() transactionType = root.findtext('.//TransactionType', default='').strip() sharesAcquired = root.findtext('.//SharesAcquired', default='').strip() sharesDisposed = root.findtext('.//SharesDisposed', default='').strip() sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction = root.findtext('.//SharesOwnedFollowingTransaction', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-empty if (insiderName and reportDate and transactionDate and transactionType and sharesAcquired and sharesDisposed and sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL insiderName, reportDate, transactionDate, transactionType, sharesAcquired, sharesDisposed, sharesOwnedFollowingTransaction ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return csv_rows else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] def process_investment_company_forms(file_path): """Process files of type Form ADV, Form ADV/A, Form D, Form D/A, Form N-1A, Form N-1A/A, Form N-CSR, Form N-CSR/A, Form N-Q, Form N-Q/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['Form ADV', 'Form ADV/A', 'Form D', 'Form D/A', 'Form N-1A', 'Form N-1A/A', 'Form N-CSR', 'Form N-CSR/A', 'Form N-Q', 'Form N-Q/A']: print(f"Processing Investment Company Form file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract investment company information investmentCompanyName = root.findtext('.//InvestmentCompanyName', default='').strip() totalAssets = root.findtext('.//TotalAssets', default='').strip() totalLiabilities = root.findtext('.//TotalLiabilities', default='').strip() netAssets = root.findtext('.//NetAssets', default='').strip() netIncome = root.findtext('.//NetIncome', default='').strip() dividends = root.findtext('.//Dividends', default='').strip() capitalStock = root.findtext('.//CapitalStock', default='').strip() sharesOutstanding = root.findtext('.//SharesOutstanding', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-empty if (investmentCompanyName and totalAssets and totalLiabilities and netAssets and netIncome and dividends and capitalStock and sharesOutstanding): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL investmentCompanyName, totalAssets, totalLiabilities, netAssets, netIncome, dividends, capitalStock, sharesOutstanding ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return csv_rows else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] def process_beneficial_ownership_reports(file_path): """Process files of type 13D, 13D/A, 13G, 13G/A, 13F, 13F/A.""" submission_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) if submission_type in ['13D', '13D/A', '13G', '13G/A', '13F', '13F/A']: print(f"Processing Beneficial Ownership Report file: {file_path}") # Initialize an empty list to collect rows for CSV output csv_rows = [] try: tree = ET.parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() # Extract beneficial ownership information reportingPersonName = root.findtext('.//ReportingPersonName', default='').strip() reportingPersonAddress = root.findtext('.//ReportingPersonAddress', default='').strip() securityTitle = root.findtext('.//SecurityTitle', default='').strip() sharesOwned = root.findtext('.//SharesOwned', default='').strip() percentageOwned = root.findtext('.//PercentageOwned', default='').strip() reportingPersonType = root.findtext('.//ReportingPersonType', default='').strip() # Only include rows where all required values are non-empty if (reportingPersonName and reportingPersonAddress and securityTitle and sharesOwned and percentageOwned and reportingPersonType): csv_rows.append([ file_path, 'URL_not_found', # Placeholder for source URL reportingPersonName, reportingPersonAddress, securityTitle, sharesOwned, percentageOwned, reportingPersonType ]) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing XML file {file_path}: {e}") return csv_rows else: print(f"Unknown submission type for file: {file_path}") return [] # Map of processing functions # Define a dictionary to map form types to processing functions processing_functions = { ('10-K', '10-KA'): process_10k_reports, ('8-K', '8-KA'): process_current_reports, ('DEF 14A', 'DEF 14AA'): process_proxy_statements, ('F-1', 'F-1A', 'S-1', 'S-1A', 'S-3', 'S-3A', 'S-4', 'S-4A'): process_registration_statements, ('Form 3', 'Form 3A', 'Form 4', 'Form 4A', 'Form 5', 'Form 5A'): process_insider_trading_reports, ('Form ADV', 'Form ADVA', 'Form D', 'Form DA', 'Form N-1A', 'Form N-1AA', 'Form N-CSR', 'Form N-CSRA', 'Form N-Q', 'Form N-QA'): process_investment_company_forms, ('13D', '13DA', '13G', '13GA', '13F', '13FA'): process_beneficial_ownership_reports, } form_type = extract_submission_type(file_path) processing_function = next((func for keys, func in processing_functions.items() if form_type in keys), lambda fp: []) return processing_function(file_path) except Exception as e: print(f"Error exporting files: {e}") def export_files(selected_files, save_location): try: print(f"Files to process: {len(selected_files)}") # Define txt_file_path before the loop txt_file_path = os.path.splitext(save_location)[0] + '.txt' with open(save_location, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) # Write headers headers = ['File', 'Source URL', 'Content'] csvwriter.writerow(headers) for file_path in selected_files: # Normalize the file path to use the correct separator file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) if not file_path.endswith('.txt'): print(f"Skipping non-txt file: {file_path}") continue if not os.path.exists(file_path): print(f"File does not exist: {file_path}") continue elif not os.access(file_path, os.R_OK): print(f"File is not readable: {file_path}") continue print(f"Processing file: {file_path}") try: with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = # Read the entire file content # Extract content between and text_content_match ='(.*?)', content, re.DOTALL) if text_content_match: text_content = else: print(f"No text content found in {file_path}") continue # Clean HTML tags and unescape HTML entities cleaned_content = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', html.unescape(text_content)).strip() source_log_file = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + '-legal-source-log.txt' if os.path.exists(source_log_file): with open(source_log_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as log_file: source_url = log_file.readline().strip() else: source_url = 'URL not found' print(f"Source log file not found for {file_path}") # After processing the file, before saving print(f"File processed: {file_path}") print(f"Default save location: {save_location}") # CSV export csvwriter.writerow([file_path, source_url, cleaned_content[:500]]) # Limit to first 500 characters for CSV # Create a corresponding .txt file for plain text export txt_file_path = os.path.splitext(save_location)[0] + '.txt' with open(txt_file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as txtfile: # Write the file path as the first line txtfile.write(f"File: {file_path}\n") # Split the cleaned content into lines and filter out empty lines non_empty_lines = [line for line in cleaned_content.split('\n') if line.strip()] if non_empty_lines: # Write non-empty lines txtfile.write('\n'.join(non_empty_lines) + '\n') print(f"Processing file: {file_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file: {e}") return [] except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing {file_path}: {e}") print(f"Exported data to {save_location}") print(f"Exported plain text to {txt_file_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error exporting files: {e}") base_directory = './edgar' # Base directory path cik_file = './edgar_CIKs.csv' # CSV file with CIK replacements cik_replacements = load_cik_replacements(cik_file) while True: # Display subfolders for selection converted_subdirs = display_subfolders(base_directory, cik_replacements) while True: try: # Prompt user to select a subfolder subfolder_choice = int(input("\nSelect a subfolder by number (or 0 to exit): ")) if subfolder_choice == 0: break # Get selected subfolder details selected_subdir, converted_name = converted_subdirs.get(subfolder_choice, (None, None)) if not selected_subdir: print("Invalid choice. Please select a valid number.") continue subdir_path = os.path.join(base_directory, selected_subdir) print(f"\nSelected subfolder: {converted_name}") break # Exit the input loop if a valid choice is made while True: # Display file counts and paths for the selected subfolder counts, file_paths = display_files_and_counts(subdir_path) try: # Prompt user to select a filing form type form_choice = int(input("\nSelect a filing form type by number (or 0 to go back): ")) if form_choice == 0: break selected_form = list(counts.keys())[form_choice - 1] selected_files = [f for f, t in file_paths if t == selected_form] if not selected_files: print("No files found for this form type.") continue # Ask if user wants to export all files of the selected type export_choice = input(f"\nDo you want to export all files of type '{selected_form}' to CSV? (y/n): ").strip().lower() if export_choice == 'y': # Prompt user to amend save location user_input = input("Do you wish to change the save location? (y/n): ") if user_input.lower() == 'y': new_save_location = input("Enter new save location (full path): ") if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(new_save_location)) or os.path.dirname(new_save_location) == '': save_location = new_save_location print(f"Save location updated to: {save_location}") export_files(selected_files, save_location) else: print("Invalid directory. Using default location.") else: print("Using default save location.") # Define export location using CIK and file type save_location = f"edgar/{selected_subdir}-{selected_form}.csv" # Call export_files function export_files(selected_files, save_location) elif export_choice == 'n': while True: print(f"\nFiles for form type '{selected_form}':") for i, file_path in enumerate(selected_files): print(f"{i+1}. {os.path.basename(file_path)}") try: # Prompt user to select a file file_choice = int(input("\nSelect a file by number (or 0 to go back): ")) if file_choice == 0: break selected_file = selected_files[file_choice - 1] view_file_content(selected_file) except (ValueError, IndexError): print("Invalid choice. Please select a valid file number.") else: print("Invalid choice. Please select 'y' to export or 'n' to proceed with file selection.") except (ValueError, IndexError): print("Invalid choice. Please select a valid form type number.") except ValueError: print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.") def parse(sec_urls=None): # Global variables files_found_count = 0 verbose = False done = False def load_cik_replacements(cik_file): """Load CIK replacements from the provided CSV file, using the second column for company names and the third for CIK keys.""" cik_replacements = {} with open(cik_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) # Skip the header row if it exists next(reader, None) for row in reader: if len(row) >= 3: # company_name is from the second column (index 1) company_name = row[1].strip() # cik_key is from the third column (index 2) cik_key = row[2].strip() cik_replacements[cik_key] = company_name return cik_replacements def display_subfolders(base_directory, cik_replacements): """Display subfolders in the base directory with converted names.""" subdirs = [d for d in os.listdir(base_directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_directory, d))] converted_subdirs = {} for i, subdir in enumerate(sorted(subdirs), 1): subdir_path = os.path.join(base_directory, subdir) converted_name = cik_replacements.get(subdir, subdir) converted_subdirs[i] = (subdir, converted_name) # Count files in the subdirectory total_files = sum(1 for file in os.listdir(subdir_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdir_path, file))) # Display the directory name with file count print(f"{i}. {converted_name} - {total_files} files") return converted_subdirs def custom_animation(verbose=False): if verbose: return # skip the animation if verbose is enabled marquee_text = " ...following the rabbit... " marquee_length = 50 marquee_position = -26 while not done: if marquee_position < 0: display_text = " " * abs(marquee_position) + marquee_text[:marquee_length + marquee_position] else: display_text = marquee_text[marquee_position:marquee_position + marquee_length].ljust(marquee_length) #os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') sys.stdout.write(f"Files found: {files_found_count}\n") sys.stdout.write(display_text + '\n' + frames[marquee_position % len(frames)]) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.1) marquee_position = (marquee_position + 1) % len(marquee_text) sys.stdout.write('\r') def handle_error(error_message): global done done = True #if not verbose: # animation_thread.join() print(f"Error: {error_message}") print("lost the rabbits tail") sys.exit(1) def verbose_print(message): if verbose: print(message) def search_files(directory, pattern): global files_found_count for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: if, file): files_found_count += 1 verbose_print(f"Found file: {os.path.join(root, file)}") process_file(os.path.join(root, file)) def process_file(file_path): class MLStripper(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.reset() self.strict = False self.convert_charrefs = True self.text = [] def handle_data(self, d): self.text.append(d) def get_data(self): return ''.join(self.text) def strip_tags(html): s = MLStripper() s.feed(html) return s.get_data() # Normalize the path first to handle any mixed separators file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) # Then, ensure the path uses the correct separators for the current OS if == 'nt': # Windows file_path = file_path.replace('/', '\\') else: # Linux/Mac file_path = file_path.replace('\\', '/') try: verbose_print(f"Processing file: {file_path}") with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = # Read the entire file content # Extract content between tags matches = re.findall(r'(.*?)', content, re.DOTALL) if not matches: verbose_print("No tags found.") return # Process and clean each match line by line cleaned_lines = [] for match in matches: lines = match.split('\n') # Split into lines for line in lines: clean_line = strip_tags(line).strip() # Clean HTML tags if clean_line: # Only add if there's content after cleaning cleaned_lines.append(clean_line) if not cleaned_lines: verbose_print("No clean text extracted after processing.") return # Save cleaned content to text file preserving line structure txt_save_location = save_location.replace('.csv', '.txt') with open(txt_save_location, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as txtfile: txtfile.write(f"File: {file_path}\n") for line in cleaned_lines: txtfile.write(f"{line}\n") txtfile.write('\n' + '-' * 50 + '\n\n') # Add a line of dashes for separation # Save cleaned content to CSV file with open(save_location, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) # Get the source URL from the corresponding "-legal-source-log.txt" file source_log_file = file_path.replace('.txt', '-legal-source-log.txt') source_url = 'URL not found' if os.path.exists(source_log_file): with open(source_log_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as log_file: source_url = log_file.readline().strip() # Here, we join lines back into blocks for CSV since CSV doesn't handle multi-line entries well text_blocks = [' '.join(cleaned_lines[i:i+50]) for i in range(0, len(cleaned_lines), 50)] # Grouping lines into blocks for block in text_blocks: csvwriter.writerow([file_path, source_url, block]) except Exception as e: handle_error(f"Error processing file {file_path}: {e}") # Parse command-line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some files.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='enable verbose mode') args = parser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose base_directory = './edgar' # Base directory path cik_file = 'edgar_CIK2.csv' # CSV file with CIK replacements # Load CIK replacements cik_replacements = load_cik_replacements(cik_file) # Display subfolders for selection converted_subdirs = display_subfolders(base_directory, cik_replacements) while True: # Prompt user to select a subfolder subfolder_choice = int(input("\nSelect a subfolder by number (or 0 to exit): ")) if subfolder_choice == 0: print("Exiting subfolder selection.") break # Get selected subfolder details selected_subdir, converted_name = converted_subdirs.get(subfolder_choice, (None, None)) if selected_subdir is None: print("Invalid choice. Please select a valid number.") continue subdir_path = os.path.join(base_directory, selected_subdir) print(f"\nSelected subfolder: {converted_name}") print(f"Path: {subdir_path}") # Input for search operations search_term = input("Enter the search term. single word only. (default is 'basket'): ") or 'basket' search_directory = subdir_path save_location = f"../{converted_name}-{search_term}.csv" # Verify the directory exists if not os.path.exists(search_directory): print(f"Warning: '{search_directory}' does not exist. Defaulting to '{subdir_path}'.") search_directory = subdir_path try: # Use glob to find all files recursively files = glob.glob(os.path.join(search_directory, '**', '*'), recursive=True) # Filter files based on the search term files_found_count = 0 files_to_process = [] for file in files: try: with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: if search_term in files_to_process.append(file) files_found_count += 1 except UnicodeDecodeError: # Skip files that can't be read as text (e.g., binary files) continue verbose_print(f"Files found: {files_found_count}") # Process each file and write to output files for file in files_to_process: process_file(file) # Stop the custom animation if not verbose #if not verbose: # done = True # animation_thread.join() print(f"Output written to {save_location}") except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") break def codex(): """Introductory function to clear the screen, display ASCII art, and prompt the user.""" # ANSI escape codes for colors COLORS = [ '\033[31m', # Red '\033[33m', # Yellow '\033[32m', # Green '\033[36m', # Cyan '\033[34m', # Blue '\033[35m', # Magenta ] RESET = '\033[0m' # Reset to default color def colorize_text(text): """Colorize the text with a rainbow gradient.""" color_cycle = itertools.cycle(COLORS) colored_text = '' for char in text: if char == '\n': colored_text += char else: colored_text += next(color_cycle) + char return colored_text + RESET def get_terminal_width(): """Get the current width of the terminal window.""" try: # Get terminal size (columns, lines) columns, _ = os.get_terminal_size() except AttributeError: # Default width if os.get_terminal_size() is not available (e.g., on Windows) columns = 80 return columns def display_text_normally(text, width=80): """Display the given text with word wrap and ensure newlines are preserved.""" # Split the text into lines and handle each line individually lines = text.split('\n') wrapped_lines = [] for line in lines: # Wrap each line of text wrapped_lines.append(textwrap.fill(line, width=width)) # Join the wrapped lines back together with newlines in between wrapped_text = '\n'.join(wrapped_lines) print(wrapped_text) def display_hardcoded_ascii_art(): """Display hardcoded ASCII art with rainbow gradient.""" ascii_art = """\ mmmmmmm m m mmmmmm mmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmm m m # # # # m" " m" "m # "m # # # a # #mmmm# #mmmmm # # # # # #mmmmm ## # # # # # # # # # # m""m # # # #mmmmm "mmm" #mm# #mmm" #mmmmm m" "m """ print(colorize_text(ascii_art)) time.sleep(3) # Show for 3 seconds def prompt_user(): """Prompt the user to choose between learning SEC forms, Market Instruments, or quitting.""" while True: print("\nPlease choose an option:") print("1. Learn about SEC forms pt. 1") print("2. Learn about SEC forms pt. 1") print("3. Learn about Market Instruments") print("Q. Quit") choice = input("Enter 1, 2, or Q: ").strip().lower() if choice == '1' or choice == 'sec forms': text_content =""" 1. 10-K - Description: The 10-K is an annual report filed by publicly traded companies to provide a comprehensive overview of the company's financial performance. It includes audited financial statements, management discussion and analysis, and details on operations, risk factors, and governance. - Investopedia Link: 2. 10-K/A - Description: The 10-K/A is an amendment to the annual 10-K report. It is used to correct or update information that was originally filed in the 10-K. - Investopedia Link: 3. 10-Q - Description: The 10-Q is a quarterly report that companies must file after the end of each of the first three quarters of their fiscal year. It provides an update on the company's financial performance, including unaudited financial statements and management discussion. - Investopedia Link: 4. 10-Q/A - Description: The 10-Q/A is an amendment to the quarterly 10-Q report. It is used to correct or update information that was originally filed in the 10-Q. - Investopedia Link: 5. 8-K - Description: The 8-K is used to report major events or corporate changes that are important to shareholders. These events can include mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcy, or changes in executives. - Investopedia Link: 6. 8-K/A - Description: The 8-K/A is an amendment to the 8-K report. It is filed to provide additional information or correct information originally reported in an 8-K. - Investopedia Link: 7. DEF 14A - Description: The DEF 14A, or Definitive Proxy Statement, provides information about matters to be voted on at a company’s annual meeting, including executive compensation, board nominees, and other significant proposals. - Investopedia Link: 8. DEF 14A/A - Description: The DEF 14A/A is an amendment to the DEF 14A Proxy Statement. It is used to update or correct information originally filed in the DEF 14A. - Investopedia Link: 9. F-1 - Description: The F-1 is used by foreign companies seeking to list their shares on U.S. exchanges. It provides information similar to the S-1 but tailored for foreign entities. - Investopedia Link: 10. F-1/A - Description: The F-1/A is an amendment to the F-1 registration statement. It is used to update or correct information for foreign companies seeking to list their shares on U.S. exchanges. - Investopedia Link: 11. Form 3 - Description: Form 3 is used by insiders of a company to report their ownership of the company's securities upon becoming an insider. It is required to be filed within 10 days of becoming an officer, director, or beneficial owner. - Investopedia Link: 12. Form 3/A - Description: The Form 3/A is an amendment to the original Form 3 filing. It is used to correct or update information regarding insider ownership. - Investopedia Link: 13. Form 4 - Description: Form 4 is used to report changes in the holdings of company insiders. It must be filed within two business days of the transaction. - Investopedia Link: 14. Form 4/A - Description: The Form 4/A is an amendment to the original Form 4 filing. It is used to correct or update information regarding changes in insider holdings. - Investopedia Link: 15. Form 5 - Description: Form 5 is an annual report used to disclose transactions that were not reported on Form 4, including certain gifts or changes in ownership. - Investopedia Link: 16. Form 5/A - Description: The Form 5/A is an amendment to the original Form 5 filing. It is used to correct or update information about transactions not previously reported. - Investopedia Link: 17. Form ADV - Description: Form ADV is filed by investment advisers to register with the SEC and state regulators. It provides details about the adviser’s business, services, and fees. - Investopedia Link: 18. Form ADV/A - Description: Form ADV/A is an amendment to the original Form ADV filing. It is used to update or correct information about investment advisers. - Investopedia Link: 19. Form D - Description: Form D is filed by companies offering securities that are exempt from registration under Regulation D. It includes information about the offering and the issuer. - Investopedia Link: """ break elif choice == '2' or choice == 'more sec forms': text_content =""" 20. Form D/A - Description: Form D/A is an amendment to the original Form D filing. It is used to update or correct information about securities offerings exempt from registration. - Investopedia Link: 21. Form N-1A - Description: Form N-1A is used by mutual funds to register with the SEC and provide information to investors about the fund’s investment objectives, strategies, and fees. - Investopedia Link: 22. Form N-1A/A - Description: Form N-1A/A is an amendment to the original Form N-1A filing. It is used to update or correct information about mutual funds. - Investopedia Link: 23. Form N-CSR - Description: Form N-CSR is filed by registered management investment companies to report their certified shareholder reports and other important financial statements. - Investopedia Link: 24. Form N-CSR/A - Description: Form N-CSR/A is an amendment to the original Form N-CSR filing. It is used to update or correct information about certified shareholder reports. - Investopedia Link: 25. Form N-Q - Description: Form N-Q is used by investment companies to report their portfolio holdings on a quarterly basis, providing details on the investments and their values. - Investopedia Link: 26. Form N-Q/A - Description: Form N-Q/A is an amendment to the original Form N-Q filing. It is used to update or correct information about investment company portfolio holdings. - Investopedia Link: 27. 13D - Description: Schedule 13D is filed by investors who acquire more than 5% of a company's outstanding shares. It includes information about the investor's intentions and background. - Investopedia Link: 28. 13D/A - Description: Schedule 13D/A is an amendment to the original Schedule 13D filing. It is used to update or correct information about significant shareholders. - Investopedia Link: 29. 13G - Description: Schedule 13G is an alternative to Schedule 13D for investors who acquire more than 5% of a company but do not intend to influence or control the company. It is typically used by passive investors. - Investopedia Link: 30. 13G/A - Description: Schedule 13G/A is an amendment to the original Schedule 13G filing. It is used to update or correct information about passive investors who hold more than 5% of a company's shares. - Investopedia Link: 31. 13F - Description: Form 13F is filed quarterly by institutional investment managers to disclose their holdings in publicly traded securities. It provides transparency into the investment activities of large institutional investors. - Investopedia Link: 32. 13F/A - Description: Form 13F/A is an amendment to the original Form 13F filing. It is used to update or correct information regarding institutional investment holdings. - Investopedia Link: 33. S-1 - Description: The S-1 is a registration statement required by the SEC for companies intending to go public through an initial public offering (IPO). It includes detailed information about the company’s business model, financials, and risks. - Investopedia Link: 34. S-1/A - Description: The S-1/A is an amendment to the S-1 registration statement. It is used to update or correct information in the original S-1 filing. - Investopedia Link: 35. S-3 - Description: The S-3 is a simplified registration form used by companies that already have a track record of compliance with SEC reporting requirements. It allows for faster and easier registration of securities for public sale. - Investopedia Link: 36. S-3/A - Description: The S-3/A is an amendment to the S-3 registration statement. It is used to update or correct information in the original S-3 filing. - Investopedia Link: 37. S-4 - Description: The S-4 is used for registration of securities in connection with mergers, acquisitions, and other business combinations. It includes detailed information about the transaction and the companies involved. - Investopedia Link: 38. S-4/A - Description: The S-4/A is an amendment to the S-4 registration statement. It is used to update or correct information in the original S-4 filing. - Investopedia Link: """ break elif choice == '3' or choice == 'market instruments': text_content =""" Codex of Financial Instruments ver 1.42069 To avoid enslavement by the increasingly sophisticated and total control mechanisms outlined in the financial layers, free humans must adopt a multifaceted strategy that emphasizes education, decentralization, community resilience, regulatory reform, and technological empowerment. These moves collectively aim to empower individuals and communities, ensuring they retain autonomy and prevent the concentration of power that leads to total control.\n Education and Awareness: The first line of defense against financial and societal enslavement is widespread education and awareness. People need to be informed about the complex financial instruments and control mechanisms that can potentially be used against them. This includes understanding basic financial literacy, the risks and benefits of various investment products, and the implications of emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and quantum computing. By demystifying these elements, individuals can make informed decisions and resist manipulative financial practices.\n Decentralization of Power: To counteract the concentration of control, promoting decentralized systems is crucial. This can be achieved through the adoption of decentralized financial technologies (DeFi), blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, which reduce reliance on centralized financial institutions and governments. Decentralized systems ensure transparency, enhance security, and empower individuals to manage their assets independently. Furthermore, supporting decentralized governance models can distribute decision-making power more evenly across society, preventing the monopolization of control by a few elites.\n Strengthening Community Resilience: Building strong, resilient communities is essential to withstand external pressures and maintain autonomy. This involves fostering local economies through community banking, cooperative businesses, and local investment initiatives. Communities should invest in sustainable practices, such as local food production and renewable energy, to reduce dependency on external systems. Additionally, promoting social cohesion and mutual support networks can help communities collectively resist oppressive measures and support each other in times of crisis.\n Advocacy for Regulatory Reform: Ensuring fair and transparent financial markets requires active advocacy for regulatory reforms. Individuals and communities must pressure governments to implement regulations that protect against financial manipulation, ensure corporate accountability, and promote transparency in all financial dealings. Strengthening anti-corruption measures and enhancing oversight of financial institutions can prevent abuses of power and protect the interests of the general public. Effective regulation can also mitigate the risks associated with advanced financial instruments and technologies.\n Technological Empowerment: Embracing and harnessing technology in an ethical and controlled manner can empower individuals and communities. Investing in and promoting technologies that enhance privacy, security, and autonomy is critical. This includes using secure communication tools, privacy-focused financial platforms, and ethical AI systems that prioritize human well-being. Additionally, fostering innovation in these areas can create alternatives to the centralized technologies that may be used for control. By being proactive in technological adoption and development, free humans can stay ahead of potential threats and retain their freedom.\n 1. **Level 1 Instruments** - **Stocks (Equities)** - **Common Stock**: Represents ownership in a company and constitutes a claim on part of the company's profits. Common stockholders typically have voting rights. - [Investopedia: Common Stock](\n - **Preferred Stock**: A class of ownership with a fixed dividend, usually without voting rights. Preferred stockholders have priority over common stockholders in the event of liquidation. - [Investopedia: Preferred Stock](\n - **Government Bonds** - **Treasury Bills (T-Bills)**: Short-term government securities with maturities ranging from a few days to one year. - [Investopedia: Treasury Bills](\n - **Treasury Notes (T-Notes)**: Government securities with maturities ranging from two to ten years, paying interest every six months. - [Investopedia: Treasury Notes](\n - **Treasury Bonds (T-Bonds)**: Long-term government securities with maturities of 20 to 30 years, paying semiannual interest. - [Investopedia: Treasury Bonds](\n - **Commodity Futures**: Contracts to buy or sell a commodity at a future date at a price agreed upon today. - [Investopedia: Commodity Futures](\n - **Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)**: Investment funds traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks. - [Investopedia: ETF](\n 2. **Level 2 Instruments** - **Corporate Bonds**: Debt securities issued by corporations to raise capital. They offer higher yields but come with higher risk compared to government bonds. - [Investopedia: Corporate Bonds](\n - **Municipal Bonds**: Bonds issued by local governments or municipalities. Interest is often tax-exempt. - [Investopedia: Municipal Bonds](\n - **Interest Rate Swaps**: Contracts where parties exchange interest payments based on different interest rates. - [Investopedia: Interest Rate Swap](\n - **Currency Swaps**: Agreements to exchange principal and interest payments in different currencies. - [Investopedia: Currency Swap](\n - **Credit Default Swaps (CDS)**: Contracts that provide protection against the default of a borrower. - [Investopedia: Credit Default Swap (CDS)](\n - **Money Market Instruments** - **Certificates of Deposit (CDs)**: Time deposits offered by banks with a fixed interest rate and maturity date. - [Investopedia: Certificate of Deposit (CD)](\n - **Commercial Paper**: Short-term unsecured promissory notes issued by corporations to raise funds. - [Investopedia: Commercial Paper](\n - **Repurchase Agreements (Repos)**: Short-term borrowing where one party sells securities to another with an agreement to repurchase them at a later date. - [Investopedia: Repurchase Agreement (Repo)](\n - **Spot Contracts (Forex)**: Agreements to buy or sell a currency at the current exchange rate with immediate settlement. - [Investopedia: Spot Market](\n - **Forward Contracts (Forex)**: Agreements to buy or sell a currency at a specified future date at an agreed-upon rate. - [Investopedia: Forward Contract](\n 3. **Level 3 Instruments** - **Exotic Options** - **Barrier Options**: Options that become active or void depending on whether the price of the underlying asset reaches a certain barrier level. - [Investopedia: Barrier Option](\n - **Asian Options**: Options where the payoff is determined by the average price of the underlying asset over a certain period. - [Investopedia: Asian Option](\n - **Binary Options**: Options where the payoff is either a fixed amount or nothing at all, based on whether the underlying asset price is above or below a certain level. - [Investopedia: Binary Option](\n - **Digital Options**: Similar to binary options, these offer a fixed payoff if a condition is met at expiration. - [Investopedia: Digital Option](\n - **Lookback Options**: Options where the payoff is based on the optimal price of the underlying asset over the life of the option. - [Investopedia: Lookback Option](\n - **Chooser Options**: Options that give the holder the choice of whether to take a call or put option at a later date. - [Investopedia: Chooser Option](\n - **Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)**: Investment vehicles backed by a diversified pool of debt, including loans and bonds. The cash flows from the underlying assets are split into different tranches. - [Investopedia: Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO)](\n - **Credit-Linked Notes (CLNs)**: Debt instruments where payments are linked to the credit performance of a reference entity. - [Investopedia: Credit-Linked Note](\n - **Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)**: Securities backed by a pool of mortgages. Investors receive payments derived from the underlying mortgage payments. - [Investopedia: Mortgage-Backed Securities](\n - **Structured Finance Products** - **Asset-Backed Securities (ABS)**: Financial securities backed by a pool of assets, such as loans or receivables. - [Investopedia: Asset-Backed Securities](\n - **Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs)**: A type of CDO that is backed by a pool of loans, often corporate loans. - [Investopedia: Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLO)](\n - **Longevity Swaps**: Contracts where one party pays a fixed amount in exchange for payments based on the longevity of a population or individual. - [Investopedia: Longevity Swap](\n 4. **Specialty Instruments by Firm** - **Salomon Instruments**: Instruments used by Salomon Brothers, including certain types of mortgage-backed securities and structured finance products. - [Investopedia: Salomon Brothers](\n - **Citi Instruments**: Instruments utilized by Citigroup, including particular types of callable equity-linked notes and complex derivatives. - [Investopedia: Citigroup](\n - **Lehman Instruments**: Instruments used by Lehman Brothers, including specific types of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and bespoke derivatives. - [Investopedia: Lehman Brothers](\n - **Bear Stearns Instruments**: Instruments utilized by Bear Stearns, including particular types of CDOs and bespoke derivatives. - [Investopedia: Bear Stearns](\n""" break elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'quit': print("Quitting the program.") sys.exit() # Exit the program else: print("Invalid choice. Please enter 1, 2, or Q.") return text_content # Clear the screen before starting the display os.system('clear' if != 'nt' else 'cls') # Display hardcoded ASCII art display_hardcoded_ascii_art() # Prompt the user and get the choice text_content = prompt_user() # Display the selected text content normally display_text_normally(text_content) def compile_urls(zip_directory, idx_file): """Compile all URLs from the archives into master.idx.""" print(f"Compiling URLs from {zip_directory} into {idx_file}.") for file in os.listdir(zip_directory): if file.endswith('.zip'): idx_file_path = extract_idx_from_zip(os.path.join(zip_directory, file)) remove_top_lines(idx_file_path) with open(idx_file_path, 'r') as f: content = with open(idx_file, 'a') as master_file: master_file.write(content) os.remove(idx_file_path) print(f"Processed {file}") def scrape_sec(idx_file, download_directory): """Begin scraping the entire SEC.""" os.makedirs(download_directory, exist_ok=True) print(f"Starting SEC scraping from {idx_file} to {download_directory}") with open(idx_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: lines = file.readlines() urls = [process_line(line) for line in lines if process_line(line) is not None] def download_file_task(url): return download_file(url, download_directory) failed_urls = [] # To track failed downloads with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future_to_url = {executor.submit(download_file_task, url): url for url in urls} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url): url, success = future.result() if not success: failed_urls.append(url) print(f"Downloaded {url} {'successfully' if success else 'with errors'}") print(f"Downloaded {len(urls) - len(failed_urls)} files successfully.") if failed_urls: print(f"Failed to download {len(failed_urls)} files.") def sec_processing_pipeline(): import logging BASE_URL = "" zip_directory = "./sec_archives" download_directory = "./edgar" log_file = os.path.join(download_directory, "sec_download_log.txt") # Configure logging to write to a file logging.basicConfig( level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', filename='error_log.txt', filemode='w' ) # Log an error message logging.error("This is an error message") def log_progress(message): with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write(f"{}: {message}\n") print(message) def check_file_size(url): """Check the size of the file at the given URL.""" try: headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} response = requests.head(url, headers=headers, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() return int(response.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Failed to get size for {url}: {e}") return None def download_file(url, download_directory): """Download a file from the given URL, log the download, and compute MD5 hash.""" try: headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True, timeout=30) response.raise_for_status() filename = url.split('/')[-1] cik = url.split('/data/')[1].split('/')[0] dir_path = os.path.join(download_directory, cik) os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) if os.path.exists(filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as file: file_hash = hashlib.md5() while chunk := file_hash.update(chunk) current_md5 = file_hash.hexdigest() log_file = os.path.join(download_directory, 'download_log.txt') if os.path.exists(log_file): with open(log_file, 'r') as log: for line in log: parts = line.strip().split(',') if len(parts) == 4 and parts[2] == filepath: logged_md5 = parts[3] if current_md5 == logged_md5: print(f"FILE already downloaded. {current_md5} verified: {filepath}") return True with open(filepath, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): file.write(chunk) with open(filepath, 'rb') as file: file_hash = hashlib.md5() while chunk := file_hash.update(chunk) md5_hash = file_hash.hexdigest() log_entry = f"{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')},{url},{filepath},{md5_hash}\n" with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write(log_entry) print(f"Downloaded: {filepath}, MD5: {md5_hash}") return True except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Error downloading {url}: {e}") return False def process_line(line): parts = line.split('|') if len(parts) >= 5: filename = parts[4].strip() if filename.endswith("Filename"): filename = filename.rsplit('/', 1)[0] url = f"{filename}" return url return None def extract_idx_from_zip(zip_path): with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref: for file_name in zip_ref.namelist(): if file_name.endswith('.idx'): idx_content ='utf-8', errors='ignore') # Split by newline and skip the first 12 lines (assuming headers end at line 12) return '\n'.join(idx_content.split('\n')[12:]) raise FileNotFoundError("No IDX file found in ZIP archive.") def get_user_selection(zip_files): print("\nEnter a 4-digit year, 'qtr' for specific quarter, or '0' to return to main menu:") while True: choice = input("Your choice: ").strip() if choice == '0': return None elif choice == 'qtr': print("\nAvailable ZIP files:") for i, file in enumerate(zip_files, 1): print(f"{i}. {file}") while True: try: choice = int(input("Enter the number of the ZIP file to process (or 0 to exit): ")) if choice == 0: break if 1 <= choice <= len(zip_files): return [zip_files[choice - 1]] print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and", len(zip_files)) except ValueError: print("Please enter a valid number.") elif choice.isdigit() and len(choice) == 4: year = choice print(f"Processing files for year {year}. Enter a quarter (1-4) or press Enter for all quarters:") quarter = input("Quarter (or press Enter for all): ").strip() if quarter and quarter.isdigit() and 1 <= int(quarter) <= 4: year_files = [f for f in zip_files if f.startswith(year) and f.endswith(f"_QTR{quarter}.zip")] else: year_files = [f for f in zip_files if f.startswith(year)] if year_files: print(f"Processing files for year {year}, quarter {quarter if quarter else 'all'}:") return year_files else: print(f"No files found for year {year}, quarter {quarter if quarter else 'all'}.") else: print("Only 4-digit year format accepted. For example: 1999") def process_zip(zip_path): """Process a single ZIP file.""" log_progress(f"Processing {zip_path}") idx_content = extract_idx_from_zip(zip_path) urls = [process_line(line) for line in idx_content.split('\n') if process_line(line)] downloaded = 0 failed = 0 total_files = len(urls) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor: futures = [executor.submit(download_file, url, download_directory) for url in urls] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): if future.result(): downloaded += 1 else: failed += 1 log_progress(f"Downloaded {downloaded}/{total_files}, Failed {failed}") log_progress(f"Finished processing {zip_path}. Downloaded {downloaded}/{total_files}, Failed {failed}") try: os.makedirs(download_directory, exist_ok=True) zip_files = [f for f in os.listdir(zip_directory) if f.endswith('.zip')] while True: selected_zips = get_user_selection(zip_files) if not selected_zips: break total_files = sum(len([process_line(line) for line in extract_idx_from_zip(os.path.join(zip_directory, zip)).split('\n') if process_line(line)]) for zip in selected_zips) for zip_file in selected_zips: zip_path = os.path.join(zip_directory, zip_file) process_zip(zip_path) log_progress("SEC processing pipeline completed.") except Exception as e: log_progress(f"An error occurred: {e}") def remove_top_lines(file_path, lines_to_remove=11): """Remove the top `lines_to_remove` lines from the given file.""" with open(file_path, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() with open(file_path, 'w') as file: file.writelines(lines[lines_to_remove:]) def compile_urls(zip_directory, idx_file): """Compile all URLs from the archives into master.idx.""" print(f"Compiling URLs from {zip_directory} into {idx_file}.") for file in os.listdir(zip_directory): if file.endswith('.zip'): idx_file_path = extract_idx_from_zip(os.path.join(zip_directory, file)) remove_top_lines(idx_file_path) with open(idx_file_path, 'r') as f: content = with open(idx_file, 'a') as master_file: master_file.write(content) os.remove(idx_file_path) print(f"Processed {file}") def scrape_sec(idx_file, download_directory): """Begin scraping the entire SEC.""" os.makedirs(download_directory, exist_ok=True) print(f"Starting SEC scraping from {idx_file} to {download_directory}") with open(idx_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: lines = file.readlines() urls = [process_line(line) for line in lines if process_line(line) is not None] def download_file_task(url): return download_file(url, download_directory) failed_urls = [] # To track failed downloads with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future_to_url = {executor.submit(download_file_task, url): url for url in urls} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url): url, success = future.result() if not success: failed_urls.append(url) print(f"Downloaded {url} {'successfully' if success else 'with errors'}") print(f"Downloaded {len(urls) - len(failed_urls)} files successfully.") if failed_urls: print(f"Failed to download {len(failed_urls)} files.") try: # Ensure the master.idx file is empty or create it with open(idx_file, 'w') as master_file: master_file.write("") # Clear the file if it exists zip_files = [f for f in os.listdir(zip_directory) if f.endswith('.zip')] for zip_file in zip_files: zip_path = os.path.join(zip_directory, zip_file) try: print(f"Processing {zip_file}") idx_file_path = extract_idx_from_zip(zip_path) remove_top_lines(idx_file_path) with open(idx_file_path, 'r') as f: content = file_queue.put(content) os.remove(idx_file_path) print(f"Successfully processed {zip_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing {zip_file}: {e}") # Write from the queue to the master.idx file after each zip file def write_to_master_file(): while not file_queue.empty(): content = file_queue.get() with open(idx_file, 'a') as master_file: master_file.write(content) write_to_master_file() print("Compilation complete! uwu") # Verbose start of compile_urls and scrape_sec print("\nStarting to compile URLs from ZIP files...") start_time = time.time() compile_urls(zip_directory, idx_file) end_time = time.time() print(f"URL compilation completed in {end_time - start_time:.2f} seconds.") print("\nStarting to scrape SEC data...") start_time = time.time() scrape_sec(idx_file, download_directory) end_time = time.time() print(f"SEC scraping completed in {end_time - start_time:.2f} seconds.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") def create_game_window(game_name): layout = [ [sg.Text(f"Welcome to {game_name}!")], [sg.Button('Play'), sg.Button('Close')] ] return sg.Window(f"{game_name} Window", layout) def start_animation(window, frames, key): threading.Thread(target=animate_gui, args=(window, frames, key), daemon=True).start() def parse_gui(search_term, target_directory): class MLStripper(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.reset() self.strict = False self.convert_charrefs = True self.text = [] def handle_data(self, d): self.text.append(d) def get_data(self): return ''.join(self.text) def strip_tags(html): s = MLStripper() s.feed(html) return s.get_data() def search_files(directory, pattern): files_found = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) try: with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: if pattern in files_found.append(file_path) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue return files_found def process_file(file_path, all_texts, all_csv_rows, export_base_dir): try: print(f"Processing file: {file_path}") with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = matches = re.findall(r'(.*?)', content, re.DOTALL) if not matches: print("No tags found.") return cleaned_lines = [] for match in matches: lines = match.split('\n') for line in lines: clean_line = strip_tags(line).strip() if clean_line: cleaned_lines.append(clean_line) if not cleaned_lines: print("No clean text extracted after processing.") return # Prepare for saving txt_save_location = os.path.join(export_base_dir, f'{os.path.basename(file_path)}.txt') csv_save_location = os.path.join(export_base_dir, f'{os.path.basename(file_path)}.csv') # Save to txt file with open(txt_save_location, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as txtfile: txtfile.write(f"File: {file_path}\n") txtfile.writelines(f"{line}\n" for line in cleaned_lines) txtfile.write('\n' + '-' * 50 + '\n\n') # Save to CSV file source_url = 'URL not found' source_log_file = file_path.replace('.txt', '-legal-source-log.txt') if os.path.exists(source_log_file): with open(source_log_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as log_file: source_url = log_file.readline().strip() text_blocks = [' '.join(cleaned_lines[i:i+50]) for i in range(0, len(cleaned_lines), 50)] for block in text_blocks: all_csv_rows.append([file_path, source_url, block]) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file {file_path}: {e}") if not os.path.exists(target_directory): print(f"Directory {target_directory} does not exist.") return files_found = search_files(target_directory, search_term) files_found_count = len(files_found) all_texts = [] all_csv_rows = [] export_base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_directory, '../export', os.path.basename(target_directory))) if not os.path.exists(export_base_dir): try: os.makedirs(export_base_dir) print(f"Created directory: {export_base_dir}") except OSError as e: print(f"Error creating directory {export_base_dir}: {e}") return for file_path in files_found: process_file(file_path, all_texts, all_csv_rows, export_base_dir) # Define the final output file names txt_final_save_location = os.path.join(export_base_dir, f'{os.path.basename(target_directory)}-{search_term}.txt') csv_final_save_location = os.path.join(export_base_dir, f'{os.path.basename(target_directory)}-{search_term}.csv') # Write all collected texts to one file with open(txt_final_save_location, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as final_txtfile: final_txtfile.writelines(all_texts) # Write all CSV rows to one file with open(csv_final_save_location, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as final_csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(final_csvfile) # Write header if needed csvwriter.writerow(["File Path", "Source URL", "Text Block"]) csvwriter.writerows(all_csv_rows) print(f"\nSearch completed. Results saved to {txt_final_save_location} and {csv_final_save_location}.") return txt_final_save_location, csv_final_save_location def list_files_in_gui(directory): # List all files in the directory, then filter out the specific CSV files all_files = os.listdir(directory) return [f for f in all_files if (f.endswith('.csv') and f not in {'edgar_CIKs.csv', 'edgar_CIK2.csv'}) or f.endswith('.txt')] def animate_gui(window, frames, key): if key is None or key not in window.AllKeysDict: print(f"Warning: Key '{key}' not found in window or is None.") return # or handle this case appropriately while True: for frame in frames: window.write_event_value('-UPDATE_ANIMATION-', (key, frame)) # Send key with the frame time.sleep(0.1) def gui_directories(directory, csv_file): try: return [d for d in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, d))] except Exception as e: print(f"Error listing directories in {directory}: {e}") return [] def TableSimulation(csv_file_path): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # --- Populate table with file contents --- # data = [] header_list = [] if csv_file_path: with open(csv_file_path, "r") as infile: reader = csv.reader(infile) header_list = next(reader) data = list(reader) # read everything else into a list of rows sg.set_options(element_padding=(0, 0)) right_click_menu = ['', ['View File', 'Download File']] layout = [ [sg.Table(values=data, headings=header_list, max_col_width=30, auto_size_columns=True, justification='right', num_rows=min(len(data), 20), key='-TABLE-', expand_x=True, expand_y=True, enable_events=True, right_click_menu=right_click_menu, col_widths=[100] * len(header_list), select_mode=sg.TABLE_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED)], [sg.Button('Download selected CIK\'s filings', key='-DL-CSV-', size=(25, 2)), sg.Text(' ', size=(15, 2)), sg.Text('OR', size=(15, 2)), sg.Button('Download Everything.', key='-DL-MASS-', size=(25, 2))], ] window = sg.Window('Resizable Table', layout, finalize=True, resizable=True) def remove_html_xml_tags(text): """Remove HTML and XML tags from the text.""" soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser') return soup.get_text() def clean_text(text): """Remove empty lines from the text.""" return '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in text.split('\n') if line.strip()) def handle_events(window): base_download_dir = './edgar' selected_rows = [] sort_col = -1 sort_asc = True while True: event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break elif event == '-TABLE-': if '-TABLE-' in values and values['-TABLE-']: selected_rows = values['-TABLE-'] if values['-TABLE-'] and values['-TABLE-'][0] in header_list: col_index = header_list.index(values['-TABLE-'][0]) if col_index == sort_col: sort_asc = not sort_asc else: sort_asc = True sort_col = col_index sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[col_index], reverse=not sort_asc) window['-TABLE-'].update(values=sorted_data) elif event == 'Download File': # Right-click menu item selected print("Right-click download event triggered") if selected_rows: row_index = selected_rows[0] partial_url = data[row_index][4] # Assuming URL is in the 5th column full_url = f"{partial_url}" print(f"Attempting download from full URL: {full_url}") with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(GUI_DL, full_url) downloaded_file_path = future.result() print("called GUI-DL") if downloaded_file_path: try: # Extract CIK from the URL for directory naming parts = partial_url.split('/') for i, part in enumerate(parts): if part == 'data' and i + 1 < len(parts): cik = parts[i + 1] break # Adjust the file path to remove 'data/' from the directory structure new_path = os.path.join(base_download_dir, cik, os.path.basename(downloaded_file_path)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(new_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path)) print(f"Created directory: {os.path.dirname(new_path)}") shutil.move(downloaded_file_path, new_path) print(f"Moved file to: {new_path}") with open(new_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: content = cleaned_content = clean_text(remove_html_xml_tags(content)) print("Called clean_text") sg.popup_scrolled(cleaned_content, title=f"Content of {os.path.basename(new_path)}", size=(80, 30)) except Exception as e: sg.popup_error(f"Error reading or moving file: {e}") else: sg.popup_error("Failed to retrieve or determine the downloaded file path.") elif event == '-DL-CSV-': print("Download event triggered") print(f"Selected Rows: {selected_rows}") if selected_rows: if len(selected_rows) > 1: # Multiple selections # Create a temporary CSV with selected CIKs temp_csv = "temp_ciks.csv" try: with open(temp_csv, 'w', newline='') as temp_file: writer = csv.writer(temp_file) writer.writerow(['CIK']) # Header print("wrote header") for row_index in selected_rows: writer.writerow([data[row_index][0]]) print("wrote rows") except IOError as e: print(f"File operation failed: {e}") # Use the function to download from crawling with the temp CSV download_from_csv(temp_csv) os.remove(temp_csv) # Clean up temp file else: # Single selection row_index = selected_rows[0] directory_part = data[row_index][0] sec_url = edgar_url + directory_part with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(testing, sec_url) result = future.result() print(f"Downloaded filings for: {directory_part}") elif event == '-DL-MASS-': # Collect all unique CIKs from the first column of your data unique_ciks = set(row[0] for row in data) # Assuming data is your list of rows if unique_ciks: # Create a temporary CSV with all unique CIKs temp_csv = "temp_ciks.csv" with open(temp_csv, 'w', newline='') as temp_file: writer = csv.writer(temp_file) writer.writerow(['CIK']) # Header for cik in unique_ciks: writer.writerow([cik]) # Use the function to download from crawling with the temp CSV download_from_crawling(temp_csv) os.remove(temp_csv) # Clean up temp file else: sg.popup("No CIKs found in the data.") # Call the event handling function handle_events(window) window.close() def animate_help(window, frames): for frame in frames: window['-HELP_ANIMATION-'].update(frame) window.refresh() time.sleep(0.005) # Adjust sleep time for animation speed def show_help(): # Load your README content readme_content =("""The Quest for SEC Scrolls: A Pythonic Adventure Introduction Welcome, brave adventurer, to the mystical realm of Python, where you shall embark on a quest not for gold or glory, but for knowledge—the arcane scrolls of the SEC. This README shall guide you through the installation of the necessary tools, the setup of your environment, and the execution of your script, all while immersing you in a tale of adventure and discovery. Prerequisites Before you can begin your quest, ensure your realm (computer) is prepared: Python: The ancient language of the wise. Download the latest version from pip: The magical tool for installing additional spells (packages). It comes with Python, but ensure it's up to date by running: bash python -m pip install --upgrade pip Installation To install the script's dependencies, you'll need to cast the following incantations: Open your terminal (the portal to the digital realm). Navigate to the directory where you've saved bash cd path/to/your/script Install the required packages with: bash pip install -r requirements.txt If there's no requirements.txt, you might need to manually install sec-api or any other libraries mentioned in the script. The Quest Begins Your script,, is your map and key to the treasure vaults of SEC knowledge. Here's how to embark: Run the script from your terminal: bash python The Adventure As you run the script, imagine yourself navigating through ancient libraries, each function a room, each loop a corridor: Explore Functions: Each function might represent a different chamber or vault where scrolls are kept. Handle Exceptions: These are the traps and puzzles you must solve to proceed. Output: Your treasure, the scrolls of SEC data, revealed in the terminal or saved to files. The Quest for SEC Scrolls: A GUI Adventure - Step-by-Step Guide Your Journey Through the GUI Step 1: Begin Your Search Action: Click the Search Button and enter a search term or CIK number. What Happens: Your command sends out a digital hawk to scour the vast digital libraries of the SEC. This might take a moment, but it will create a CSV file cataloging your findings. Step 2: Choose Your Scroll Action: Select a CSV file from the list provided. What Happens: You're now looking at your catalog of scrolls. Each CSV represents a set of SEC filings or data points you've discovered. Step 3: Decide How to Retrieve Your Scrolls Option A: Open CSV Button Action: Click this to view the data in a tabular format. What Happens: It's like opening a treasure chest. You get to inspect your loot in detail, seeing exactly what scrolls you've cataloged. Option B: Download CSV/Crawl Buttons From CSV: Choose this to download files directly from URLs listed in your CSV. It's like summoning artifacts by their exact location. From Crawling: Opt for this if you want a more thorough approach. Digital scouts will gather all related scrolls, which might take longer but ensures you get everything. Step 4: Organize Your Findings Action: Click the Sorted Files Button. What Happens: Before you can use your scrolls, they need organizing. This step sorts and cleans your downloaded files, ensuring they're ready for use. Think of it as organizing your spell components before casting. By the Adventurer's Code: Remember, while this GUI simplifies your quest, the knowledge you seek must be used wisely. Always ensure your actions comply with local laws and ethical standards. The creator of this script, while guiding you, takes no responsibility for how you choose to use this powerful tool. uWu May your GUI adventures be filled with discovery.""") # Example of ASCII animation ascii_animation = [ """ &oo""""""W bwmwmmwmm &""'addbbbbbdkoooW aqmmmmZmq kqZmmn(((((((xmmmq* MokdbbbkbbdbbbkbbbbkoM qqqwwwwmq awZZU/(|((||/XZZm bwmj1)((((|((|(((((fQwh &oabbbmzYYXmbdbdddd0JUXUaM bO00000000mq qmmZ0||||||||cwwwp hOx/|||((|||||||(||vqb kZ0t((([?-?1(()((((1?--[Cmh %abkbmz)*``;/cZbbdCv?^`^inC ZZOZn~<<<<<<<<~JZZZm ZZ0||/|//|||(||||/|nZq hZf/||(-_?}|((|||||1--?xmh 0j|((]-:```l?{(((1?<^^**~[U %odddu,^`,~++[Ldbb)*^^I~++|o amQ[><>>>>>>>><><><>>>>>>i>>>>>>>>>><<><>f00 /|||([?^^`^?[(|||}?!```,_1w of||(l*`^,<+>?)(((<```!+++X aZC/((1I`*^YW&8Q)()?^``>>i>>>>>>>>>>><><<>~}xu Q|(|1*```ii>~)(|(>^`^:~+<_Q hL/|||]^``}&&Whx|((>``*z&&&owh%df(||()_l*`/YQQz|)({~l*IcQLCf)d8hpbdbbddU?-_}Zbdbbbbpr_+_fpddb&#ZU_<><>i>>>>>>>>><<<><<|rrru ZOY|(|1^`*,M&8#j|(|>```-hW&Ww0 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window for help layout = [ [sg.Text('', font=('Courier New', 8), size=(244, 26), justification='center', key='-ASCII_ANIMATION-')], [sg.Text(readme_content, font=('Courier New', 16), size=(160, 60), justification='left', key='-HELP_TEXT-')], [sg.Button('Close')] ] help_window = sg.Window('Help', layout, finalize=True) # Animation loop frame_index = 0 while True: event, _ = # Adjust the timeout to control animation speed if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Close': break # Update the ASCII animation frame frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % len(ascii_animation) help_window['-ASCII_ANIMATION-'].update(ascii_animation[frame_index]) help_window.close() def game_main(): layout = [ [sg.Text("Main Window")], [sg.Button('Open Game 1'), sg.Button('Open Game 2'), sg.Button('Open Game 3'), sg.Button('Open Game 4'),sg.Button('Exit')] ] window = sg.Window("Main Window", layout) while True: event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break elif event == 'Open Game 1': game_window = create_game_window('NGMI panda') while True: game_event, game_values = if game_event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or game_event == 'Close': break elif game_event == 'Play': game_1() sg.popup("You're playing Game 1!") game_window.close() elif event == 'Open Game 2': game_window = create_game_window('Definitely not Oregon Trail') while True: game_event, game_values = if game_event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or game_event == 'Close': break elif game_event == 'Play': game_2() sg.popup("You're playing Game 2!") game_window.close() elif event == 'Open Game 3': game_window = create_game_window('I cant remember') while True: game_event, game_values = if game_event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or game_event == 'Close': break elif game_event == 'Play': game_3() sg.popup("You're playing Game 3!") game_window.close() elif event == 'Open Game 4': game_window = create_game_window('Ghosts AI') while True: game_event, game_values = if game_event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or game_event == 'Close': break elif game_event == 'Play': game_4() sg.popup("You're playing Game 4!") game_window.close() def create_gui(): # Define the layout for the main content area main_layout = [ [sg.Text("1. "), sg.Button("Open The Codex.", key='-CODEX-')], [sg.Text("2. Search SEC archives for search term:"), sg.InputText(key='-SEARCH-', size=(10, 1)), sg.Button("Search"), sg.Text(" ", size=(3, 1)), sg.Text("or, Enter CIK to scrape: "), sg.InputText(key='-CIKINPUT-', size=(10, 1)), sg.Button("Scrape")], [sg.Text('3. Select a CSV file or navigate through /edgar/data/:')], [sg.Text("Current Directory:", key='-CURRENT_DIR_LABEL-'), sg.Input(key='-CURRENT_DIR-', readonly=True, size=(50, 1))], [sg.Listbox(values=[], size=(30, 15), key='-FILE_LIST-', enable_events=True), sg.Listbox(values=[], size=(60, 15), key='-FILES_LIST-', enable_events=True)], [sg.Text("Selected CSV file:"), sg.InputText(key='-CSV-', readonly=True), sg.Button('Open CSV', key='-OPENCSV-', visible=False)], [sg.Button('Back'), sg.Button('Search company filings for a keyword', key='-PARSE_GUI-', visible=False, disabled=True), sg.Button('View File', key='-VIEW_FILE-', visible=False), sg.Button('Download CSV', key='-DOWNLOAD-CSV-', visible=False), sg.Button('Download Crawl', key='-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-', visible=False)], [sg.Button("Play games?", key='-PROCEED-')], ] # Define the layout for the second column from right (for search and file operations) search_column = [] # Define the layout for the rightmost column (for process and exit) action_column = [ [sg.Text('', size=(1, 15)), sg.Text('', key='-ANIMATION-', size=(22, 12), justification='center')], [sg.Button("HELP", key='-HELP-', button_color=('white', 'red'), size=(6, 2)), sg.Text('', size=(15, 1)), sg.Button("Exit", key='-EXIT-', size=(6, 2))], ] # Combine layouts into the final window layout layout = [ [sg.Column(main_layout, vertical_alignment='top', key='-MAIN-'), sg.Column(search_column, vertical_alignment='top', key='-SEARCH-'), sg.Column(action_column, vertical_alignment='top', key='-ACTION-')] ] return sg.Window("Script GUI", layout, finalize=True) def main(): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import io window = create_gui() current_dir = os.getcwd() replacements_csv = "edgar_CIK2.csv" selected_item = None # Initialize selected_item to None def remove_html_xml_tags(text): """Remove HTML and XML tags from the text.""" soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser') return soup.get_text() def clean_text(text): """Remove empty lines from the text.""" return '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in text.split('\n') if line.strip()) # Initial update of the file list window['-CURRENT_DIR-'].update(current_dir) window['-FILE_LIST-'].update(gui_directories(current_dir, replacements_csv)) window['-FILES_LIST-'].update(list_files_in_gui(current_dir)) start_animation(window, frames, '-ANIMATION-') script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) while True: event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == "Exit": break elif event == 'Search': search_term = values['-SEARCH-'] directory = './sec_archives' # Assuming you have a directory input somewhere if search_term and directory: print(f"Searching for '{search_term}' in {directory}...") #search_master_archives(search_term, directory) with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(search_master_archives, search_term, directory) result = future.result() print("Search complete.") else: print("Please enter a search term and directory.") elif event == '-OPENCSV-': csv_file = values['-CSV-'] if csv_file: TableSimulation(csv_file) # Pass the CSV file path to TableSimulation else: print("Please select a CSV file first.") elif event == '-SORTEDFILES-': # Call your clean function here clean() with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(clean) result = future.result() elif event == '-CODEX-': # Call your clean function here codex() elif event == '-PARSE_GUI-': search_term = sg.popup_get_text("Enter search term:", title="Search Term") if search_term: window.perform_long_operation(lambda: parse_gui(search_term, current_dir), '-PARSE_COMPLETE-') elif event == '-UPDATE_ANIMATION-': key, frame = values[event] window[key].update(frame) window.refresh() elif event == '-PARSE_COMPLETE': # Assuming parse_gui returns something meaningful or you want to notify completion sg.popup(f"Search completed. Results saved.", title="Search Complete") elif event == '-HELP-': show_help() elif event == '-FILE_LIST-': # Handle directory selection try: selected = values['-FILE_LIST-'][0] if selected_item == selected: # Double-click action path = os.path.join(current_dir, selected) if os.path.isdir(path): current_dir = path # Update the current directory label window['-CURRENT_DIR-'].update(current_dir) window['-FILE_LIST-'].update(gui_directories(current_dir, replacements_csv)) window['-FILES_LIST-'].update(list_files_in_gui(current_dir)) # Reset button colors to grey for directories window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=False) # Check if we're in a subdirectory of edgar if current_dir.startswith(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'edgar')): window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(visible=True) else: window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(visible=False) # Enable the button if files_list has been populated if window['-FILES_LIST-'].get_list_values(): window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(disabled=False) else: window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(disabled=True) elif os.path.isfile(path): if selected.endswith('.csv'): window['-CSV-'].update(path) window.write_event_value('-OPENCSV-', '-OPENCSV-') # Enable buttons for CSV files window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=True) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=True) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=True) elif selected.endswith('.txt'): # Enable 'View File' for text files window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=True) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=False) else: # Disable all buttons for other file types window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=False) else: # Single-click, just highlight selected_item = selected except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing selection: {e}") selected_item = None elif event == '-FILES_LIST-': # Handle file selection try: selected = values['-FILES_LIST-'][0] # Ensure selected is always defined if selected_item == selected: # Double-click action path = os.path.join(current_dir, selected) if os.path.isfile(path): if selected.endswith('.csv'): window['-CSV-'].update(path) window.write_event_value('-OPENCSV-', '-OPENCSV-') # Enable buttons for CSV files window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=True) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=True) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=True) elif selected.endswith('.txt'): # Display text file content with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: content = cleaned_content = clean_text(remove_html_xml_tags(content)) sg.popup_scrolled(cleaned_content, title=f"Content of {selected}", size=(80, 30)) else: # Disable all buttons for other file types window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=False) else: # Single-click, just highlight selected_item = selected except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file selection: {e}") elif event == '-VIEW-FILE-': # Handle viewing the selected file try: selected_file = values['-FILES_LIST-'][0] if selected_file: file_path = os.path.join(current_dir, selected_file) if file_path.endswith('.txt'): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: content = cleaned_content = clean_text(remove_html_xml_tags(content)) sg.popup_scrolled(cleaned_content, title=f"Content of {selected_file}", size=(80, 30)) elif file_path.endswith('.csv'): window['-CSV-'].update(file_path) window.write_event_value('-OPENCSV-', '-OPENCSV-') else: sg.popup(f"File selected: {selected_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error viewing file: {e}") elif event == 'Back': parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) if parent_dir != current_dir: current_dir = parent_dir window['-CURRENT_DIR-'].update(current_dir) window['-FILE_LIST-'].update(gui_directories(current_dir, replacements_csv)) window['-FILES_LIST-'].update(list_files_in_gui(current_dir)) # Check if we're in /edgar/data for button visibility if current_dir.endswith('edgar'): window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(visible=True) else: window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(visible=False) try: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) if parent_dir and parent_dir != current_dir and parent_dir != script_dir: current_dir = parent_dir window['-CURRENT_DIR-'].update(current_dir) # Update both directory and file lists window['-FILE_LIST-'].update(gui_directories(current_dir, replacements_csv)) window['-FILES_LIST-'].update(list_files_in_gui(current_dir)) # Repopulate files list # Check for CSV and TXT files in the current directory, excluding the hidden ones has_files = any(file.endswith(('.csv', '.txt')) and (not file.endswith('.csv') or file not in {'edgar_CIKs.csv', 'edgar_CIK2.csv'}) for file in os.listdir(current_dir)) # Adjust button visibility based on directory content if has_files: window['-OPENCSV-'].update(visible=True) # Assuming this is for CSV files window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=True) # Assuming this is for CSV files window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=True) # Assuming this is for CSV files window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=True) # For both CSV and TXT files else: window['-OPENCSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=False) window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=False) # Check if we're still in edgar or if we've moved out if current_dir.startswith(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'edgar')): window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(visible=True) else: window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(visible=False) # Enable/disable based on files in directory window['-PARSE_GUI-'].update(disabled=not window['-FILES_LIST-'].get_list_values()) # Reset button colors to grey for directories if no files are selected if not window['-FILES_LIST-'].get_list_values(): window['-VIEW_FILE-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(visible=False) window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(visible=False) except Exception as e: print(f"Error moving back: {e}") elif event == 'Scrape': edgar_url = "" directory_part = values['-CIKINPUT-'] sec_url = edgar_url + directory_part testing(sec_url) elif event == '-PROCEED-': game_main() elif event == '-DOWNLOAD-CSV-': csv_file = values['-CSV-'] if csv_file: popup_layout = [ [sg.Text("Downloading from CSV stored URLs...")], [sg.Multiline(size=(40, 10), key='-OUTPUT_POPUP-')] ] popup_window = sg.Window("Download Progress", popup_layout, modal=True, finalize=True) popup_window['-OUTPUT_POPUP-'].update("Starting download...\n") with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(download_from_csv, csv_file) result = future.result() popup_window['-OUTPUT_POPUP-'].update("Download complete.\n") # Wait for 1 second to show the message popup_window.close() else: print("Please select a CSV file.\n") elif event == '-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-': csv_file = values['-CSV-'] if csv_file: popup_layout = [ [sg.Text("Downloading from crawling Edgar system...")], [sg.Multiline(size=(40, 10), key='-OUTPUT_POPUP-')] ] popup_window = sg.Window("Download Progress", popup_layout, modal=True, finalize=True) popup_window['-OUTPUT_POPUP-'].update("Starting download...\n") with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(download_from_crawling, csv_file) result = future.result() popup_window['-OUTPUT_POPUP-'].update("Download complete.\n") # Wait for 1 second to show the message popup_window.close() else: print("Please select a CSV file.\n") elif event == '-EXIT-': break # Enable/disable the Process button based on whether a file is selected window['-OPENCSV-'].update(disabled=values['-CSV-'] == '') window['-DOWNLOAD-CSV-'].update(disabled=values['-CSV-'] == '') window['-DOWNLOAD-CRAWL-'].update(disabled=values['-CSV-'] == '') window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': try: # Get the current working directory directly current_directory = Path.cwd() # Define your download directory relative to the script's execution directory download_directory = current_directory / 'sec_archives' # Ensure the directory exists download_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #print("Normalized Path:", normalized_path) print("checking and importing any missing modules") check_and_install_modules() import_modules() # print("downloading archives to /sec_archives/ ") # download_pre_files() # download_daily_index_files() # This will handle the daily files for Q3 2024 # Loop through each URL with an index for naming for index, url in enumerate(urls): # Use the predefined filenames output_path = "./" + file_names[index] # Attempt to download with a random User-Agent headers = {'User-Agent': "[email protected]"} try: # Create a request object req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) # Open the URL with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: # Check if the request was successful if response.getcode() == 200: # Write the content to the output file with open(output_path, "wb") as file: # Use 'wb' for binary files file.write( print(f"File from {url} downloaded and saved as {output_path}") elif response.getcode() == 403: print(f"Access denied for {url}, trying fallback User-Agent.") # Try with fallback User-Agent fallback_headers = {'User-Agent': "anonymous/[email protected]"} fallback_req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=fallback_headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(fallback_req) as fallback_response: if fallback_response.getcode() == 200: with open(output_path, "wb") as file: file.write( print(f"File from {url} downloaded with fallback and saved as {output_path}") else: print(f"Failed to download file from {url}. Status code: {response.getcode()}") except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: print(f"HTTP Error occurred for {url}: {e.code} - {e.reason}") except urllib.error.URLError as e: print(f"URL Error occurred for {url}: {e.reason}") except IOError as e: print(f"IO Error occurred while writing to {output_path}: {e}") print("downloading archives to /sec_archives/ ") download_pre_files() download_daily_index_files() # This will handle the daily files for 2024 GUI_Variable = input("Graphical User Interface? hmm? (y/n):").strip().lower() or 'y' if GUI_Variable == 'y': #display_power() main() else: display_power() intro()# begin the show game = input("Would you like to play the game? (y/n): ").strip().lower() or 'y' if game == "y": game_2() # Run game try: if not check_free_space(): print("Not enough free space to proceed. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) edgar_CIKs() # Ensure the edgar_CIKs.txt file is created. if not failed_downloads: print("All files downloaded successfully and present.") while True: directory_part = input( "Please enter the CIK number of the Edgar directory to be scraped, or one of the following options:\n" "0. The Codex - This shows the player all the levels and things. \n" "1. archives - search tool to find and list any companies SEC filings. Can also search for Last Names.\n" "2. csv - function to select and process a CSV created from searching the Edgar archives.\n" "3. view-files - To perform an Edgar inventory check.\n" "4. parse-files - To parse SEC filings after processing.\n" "5. help - To get information about all the things.\n" "69. AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - An absolutely horrible option that fills up your ENTIRE harddrive with SEC filings.<< (hint: srsly NOT advised.)\n" "0. Return to main menu.\n" "Enter your choice: ").strip() if directory_part == "0" or directory_part == "Codex": print("Easter egg found. This allows you to know what to search for.") codex() elif directory_part == "1" or directory_part == "archives": print("You have chosen to search the master archives and output a CSV of results for view-files and parse-files to use.") verify_and_prompt() elif directory_part == "2" or directory_part == "csv": csv_files = list_csv_files("./") if not csv_files: print("No CSV files found.") continue print("Available CSV files (without '_results.csv'):") for i, file in enumerate(csv_files): print(f"{i + 1}: {file[:-len('_results.csv')]}") file_choice = int(input("Select a CSV file by number or enter 0 to exit: ")) if file_choice == 0: continue if 1 <= file_choice <= len(csv_files): csv_file = csv_files[file_choice - 1] print(f"Selected CSV file: {csv_file}") CSV_EXTRACTION_METHOD = input("use archves URL listings or crawl SEC site? (options are 'url' or 'crawl')").strip() if CSV_EXTRACTION_METHOD == 'url': # function to read URLs from CSV and download them directly from created list. download_from_csv(csv_file) elif CSV_EXTRACTION_METHOD == 'crawl': # function to use the CIK's to crawl and download in a more aggressive way. download_from_crawling(csv_file) elif directory_part == "0": continue else: print("please enter url, crawl, or 0 to go back to main menu") print("Processing of CSV URLs complete.") else: print("Invalid choice.") elif directory_part == "3" or directory_part == "view-files": print("Beginning downloaded Edgar filings check.") clean() elif directory_part == "4" or directory_part == "parse-files": print("Proceeding with parse option.") parse(sec_urls=None) elif directory_part == "5" or directory_part == "help": print("\nIn the structure, the numbered subdirectory represents an accession number, which is a unique identifier assigned automatically to an accepted submission by the EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) system. Accession numbers are used to identify and retrieve filings made by companies with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).\n") print("An accession number typically consists of a combination of digits and dashes, such as 0001193125-15-118890. This specific format is used to distinguish accession numbers from other types of identifiers, like Central Index Key (CIK) numbers or company names.\n") elif directory_part == "69" or directory_part == "AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs": print("Easter egg found. This allows you to download ALL SEC filings.") sec_processing_pipeline() elif directory_part == "0": continue elif len(directory_part) > 5 and directory_part.isdigit(): sec_url = edgar_url + directory_part testing(sec_url) else: print("Invalid input. Please try again.") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nInterrupted by user.") finally: print("Script execution finished.") except KeyboardInterrupt: #display_power() print("\nInterrupted by user.") finally: print("Script execution finished.")

Attached Files


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