
Author: sharyn_lz5

Expire: Never

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings qw(all); ### package main; # use List::Util qw(shuffle reduce first); sub _take { my $md5 = qx!head -c 512 /dev/random | md5 -q!; chomp($md5); return unpack("(a2)*", $md5); } my @a_few_numbers = (); for (1 .. 10) { my @list = map { hex '0x' . $_ } _take; push @a_few_numbers, (first { $_ < 30 } shuffle @list) || 0; } stdout->say( join(', ', @a_few_numbers), " ->(+) ", reduce { $a + $b } @a_few_numbers ); stdout->say( "\n" );

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